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>"Curious to see this here, given that I've been trying to set up some of these "decentralized services" at my home servers and figuring out if it is really possible to replace the common mainstream services."

Just in case its not yet on your radar, you may be interested in Sandstorm:


It bills itself as a 'self-hostable web productivity suite', but it's much broader than that, it's really a platform for self-hostable decentralised apps. Sandstorm manages security and app interoperability, so that developers and users can focus on the core functionality of the apps.

I mentioned this elsewhere but sandstorm packages are simply not updated at all - https://wiki.mediagoblin.org/EasyDeployment#Sandstorm for example. But this is true for vast majority of the packages.

Also, sadly, Sandstorm is not built for federated/decentralized apps that want to connect to arbitrary other servers.

That's not completely true. Sandstorm was built for federation, but also security (e.g. against malicious apps), and it took a while to get the right model in place to provide both. It's now possible for apps to request access to each other and to outside servers, but Mediagoblin hasn't been updated to use that feature.

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