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GI bill pays for a lot of education

In my opinion, in a modern society education should be free, for everybody, and not influenced by private or religious interests. If a society fails to provide this to their youth, then somebody else will influence the kids, but not necessarily provide education.

It's just my opinion. Otherwise we are back to Middle Age.

That was after WWII...it still does a bit because there aren't enough "volunteers" to work in the US army...

Remember that the volunteer army was formed after Vietnam and all the objections to the draft (mostly by better-off, educated Americans...)...

Your comment isn't very coherent. The GI bill was originally enacted after WWII, yes, but it has applied to service members ever since. They enacted an enhancement to it post 9/11 and service members have a choice between the original Montgomery GI bill and post 9/11 GI bill education benefits now. They can even transfer those benefits to their spouse or child if they don't want to use them.

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