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"Hey Bob! I found the answer to that Star Wars question we were discussing at lunch yesterday on this great site, generalsite.com/topics/starwars".

A couple days later, Bob wants to go there to check out another Star Wars question. All Bob remembers is "starwars", and fails to find the site.

Compare to "Hey Bob! I found the answer to that Star Wars question we were discussing at lunch yesterday on this great site, starwarsanswers.com".

A couple days later, Bob wants to go there to check out another Star Wars question. Bob has a good chance of remembering "starwarsanswers".

Separate domains for different topics is more friendly to users. That's probably why Google has no problem with it--as the Google guy said, its impact on users they care about.

These are all empty pages. They look characteristic to pages that were not designed to be there or linked to. A bug rather than a feature.

How do you navigate to these pages from the starwarsanswers.com homepage? I don't see any of those listed on the right hand margin. Sure, they may have been exposed because of a deployment error early on that has now been fixed.

Looks to be a basic website error than something attributable to malice.

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