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Offtopic: What's with the hyper narrow width on this page? Looks like this on a 1440p monitor (ubuntu, chrome) http://i.imgur.com/m9YWcNj.png

The page appears to have about 70 characters on a line:

    >>> len("which is nothing more than a simple login page (seems to be for Google")
This is within the generally accepted guidelines for line length:


The bigger issue is, I think, font size. I could imagine that on certain displays this font might look rather small.

Looks like a mobile layout that is "responsive" in higher resolutions only by adding some extra elements to surround the fixed-width central container.

I prefer narrow columns for reading personally. Snap the article window to the side and scale it down for maximum enjoyment.

You can make any site have a narrow column like that - the site should give those of us who prefer wider text a way to get that too.

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