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New to Kotlin + ecosystem... So can you build Android UI's with Scene Builder? I see notes about it working with Gluon Mobile which appears to be a cross platform mobile library.

Not really. Android has its own graphical stack.

You might be able to write an ndk app targeting android with you own stack of widget, but that's very different from an 'sdk' app.

Not concerned about Android at the time, I was looking for a desktop app toolkit.

Now that you mention it mobile support seems to be in flux: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20860931/is-it-possible-t...

For Android, just use it's UI toolkit. It'll work better than trying to shoehorn a 3rd party thing in.

No, Android does not support JavaFX or Swing for that matter.

From what I've read the open-source bits of Gluon Mobile are available for free via JavaFXPorts

http://gluonhq.com/products/mobile/javafxports/get/ <-- android, iOS, ARM

However it seems to be a barebones solution as it lacks mobile-specific controls (they want you to buy Gluon Mobile for that)

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