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Kotlin? Why not golang, I wonder?

Long story short, Kotlin is easy to support without substantive (any?) changes to Android runtime, golang would involve much more effort.

It's also not clear to me there's any desire to write applications in golang.

Native android application development is totally not my community. I admit I have never even heard or kotlin.

Actually, at the coworking space I'm currently streaming the conference at, nobody had heard of kotlin.

edit: AH, Kotlin runs on the java virtual machine. That makes much more sense to me now.

Sorry, that's the context I should have provided! (Knowing that also probably explains why they cut to a shot of the JetBrains CEO in the audience, since Kotlin originated there.)

Well, it already works on the JVM and on Android, many production apps in the wild are already using it, and they avoided the problems that existing JVM languages like Scala and Clojure had in terms of running on Android.

Can you explain about some of these problems ? Why are some JVM languages easier than others ?

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