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The I/O keynote always bothers me. Apple and AWS have great Keynotes that get me excited to develop on their platforms. Google's always comes across as too self congratulating.

You mentioned that Apple has great Keynotes and at the same time you wrote that "Google's always too self congratulating"?

Didn't you mean the opposite? Apple is always so self centered on their presentation that it is hard to watch.

They're self centered but it's about stuff that is relevant to me. All this talk about Google Assistant is useless to me as a developer. At least Apple talks about stuff I'm able to plug into.

Are you really watching the keynote? They literally just released TPUs to developers.

Last time I watched wwdc they had staged a standing ovation for a trashcan...

Google Assistant should be useful to you in many ways as a developer. It's become an open platform from several directions.

A quarter of this presentation has been how Assistant can help your app integrate with the user via the SDK/Actions.

You can write apps for the Assistant now.

Wasn't Apple's last keynote literally about Apple was brave for making it so that you could no longer plug 3.5mm headphones into stuff?

I believe there are supposed to be two keynotes this year? Product announcement and then a developer one right afterwards.


Google more self-congratulating than Apple? Come on.

They are just less polished in presentation. Which I like. Raw stuff is more interesting.

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