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HN London Meetup
65 points by coderholic on June 16, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 75 comments
It has been far too long since the last Hacker News London meetup. Over the past few months quite a few people mentioned interest in a get together. So here it is.

Please join us on Thursday, 24th June from 18:30 at the Lightbar on Shoreditch Highstreet (http://www.thelighte1.com/).

Also, since the Seedcamp deadline is coming up, several Seedcamp alumni have agreed to come along and answer your questions about the programme. So if you want the lowdown on what to expect or some advice on applying, then you are in luck.

If you are coming please leave a comment below to help us keep track of the numbers.

Ben Dowling and Dmitri Grabov

Huge thank you for the tremendous feedback and encouragement we've received in response to resurrecting the HN London meetup.The flipside to the newfound success is that we will have to switch venues to be able to accommodate everyone.

The new venue is just across the road from the Lightbar:

The Water Poet 9-11 Folgate Street Spitalfields, London E1 6BX http://www.waterpoet.co.uk/

We look forward to meeting you all there on Thursday, 24 June at 18:00.

Ben and Dmitri HN London Meetup

Hey, guys. I run Hacker and Founders SV (http://hackersandfounders.com ), and I'm trying to keep track of and keep in touch with other HN meetups around the globe. https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AmQExXr67OcTdDBZZl9...

I noticed that you recently posted a link to a google groups page: http://groups.google.com/group/hn-london

Is there any other place online that you're collecting and trying to organize? If there's anything that we can do to help you guys, let us know: jonathan@newsley.com or laura@newsley.com. And, if you're ever in town, drop us a line, we'd love to connect.

You should get the owners of the UK Hacker News group on Facebook to send a message out, as there's about ~220 members on it and you might get quite a lot of people who miss this post.

Do you have a link to the UK Hacker News Facebook Group? Tried a few searches but turned up nothing.

Thanks for the pointer. Will give them a shout now.

Yeah, good call. I came here via that message.

I'll try and make it, the wonders of modern transport mean I can just about do an evening in London.

But if it happens again: any chance of doing a weekend, or Friday night? :)

Clickable: http://www.thelighte1.com/

Amazingly I will actually be in London and don't currently have a commitment. I'm speaking at a school in the afternoon, and at the Royal Institution the following day, but Thursday evening is free.

Will there be food? Ah - now visited the web site and it appears the answer is yes.

We're hoping to make this a regular thing. If you'd like to stay informed about future events then please join the google group: http://groups.google.com/group/hn-london

Looking good guys! I work for Seedcamp, can't make it tonight, but have a good one and ping me if you have queries afterwards.

As a blatant plug here is the application for Mini Seedcamp London - http://seedcamp.com/pages/london10

And we are also running some founder dating on 12th July so folk can find high quality co-founders. Sign up for that here - http://seedcamp.wufoo.com/forms/founder-dating/

Is this the best venue? I only ask since it usually appears to be a bit rowdy so unless there's a private room or quiet(er) area I don't know about, we may end up mixing it with the city boys and not being able to hear much. ;-)

Probably not, but it should do the trick. The bar is huge and we do have an area reserved for us.

I have another potential venue in mind for future London meetups. Interested?

Okay, that sounds cool.

Sadly this clashes with the London MySQL meetup that I'm already planning to attend, but this is just up the road from there so I may wander along later on.

Awesome I'll be there. we're hiring as well, so if you're looking come find me there:p (python/django - theiplatform.com)

I'll be there. I'm currently working on:

- A realtime anonymous chat site (Tornado, message queues)

- Python OpenXML support (the docx module)

Annoyingly that clashes in my diary. :-(

I hope it goes so well that you absolutely have to do another one next month.

I'm travelling early the next day, but am hopeful I'll make it along for a few beers at least.

Hi guys, thanks a lot for the organizing of this event. I will definitely be there.

Shoreditch? /sigh Yea, I know it's a "startup hub", but it's also a bit dodgy.

The venue is a very short stroll from Liverpool St station. If you're really worried there's a bus stop right outside the venue.

There's a police station that's visible for the entirety of the walk between the station and the bar. Perhaps you can ask one of the officers to hold your hand if your mum is unavailable on the night?

Dodgy how? There's always loads of people there every night of the week: it's very safe.

Dodgy? It's the best part of London :)

I'll be there, as will a couple of my friends who won't reply to this thread.

Good shout guys - need more of these in London! See you there.

Will be there, the Google Group doesn't seem to be working.

Working for me now

Nice! I'm probably about a 25% chance of coming along.

Great, thanks for setting this up, Ben and Dmitri.

Sounds interesting, I will hopefully be attending.

I will try to make it. It's been too long.

Thanks for organising. I shall be there!

Sounds interesting. I should be there.

Yup. One more and spreading the voice.

I'm in. It's just a two second jump :)

Let me guess - Shoreditch triangle.

Yep. Rivington street in fact.

If all goes well, I'll be there.

I plan to be there. thanks. :)

Awesome, I'll be coming along

Will try my best to be there.

Beer better be cheap there :P

City prices for Beer but the place is beautiful and very significant - a stalwart against "gentrification" of the area.

I should be able to make it

Think I'll be coming along

Great idea, see you there!

Awesome! I will be there.

I will try and make it!

Will probably be there

Sounds good!

Tony + Hemal will be my +1

Will try to make it!

I should be there!

Definitely coming.

i would attend if i wasn't abroad that week.

Should be there!

Hope to make it

Should be there

I'm all over it

Hope to attend.

I'll be there.

I'll be there.

I'll be there.

Should make it

Intend to come

I'll be there!

I'll be there!

I'll be there!

I'll be there

I'll be there

looking forward to it @nuuji


excellent. i'll be there.


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