Just a heads up you're using the development version of React which is very very slow. You'd want to switch to the production version, not sure how that works in next but you generally build your React with NODE_ENV set to `production` for this to happen.
Update: with some serious help from Arunoda, I've learned that it was due to the react-google-ad component I was using bundling it's own copy of react. So, while the rest of the site was using production-mode React, that one component wasn't and that was enough to trigger the warning in the Chrome extension.
I'm afraid it won't reduce the impact, your server takes the initial load of rendering instead of the browser, and the browser takes over for each re-render.
Not sure how Next.js does it but you should probably try putting NODE_ENV=production in the "build" script in package.json like in "start"?
I had a quick glance over Next.js's docs and it looks like they should handle this automatically just by `next build`. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"Very very slow" might be a bit of an overstatement. The initial React render for that page takes 200ms on a MacBook. A release build will speed that up slightly, and cut down the bundle a little, but in the scheme of things it's not going to be noticeable to the end user.
If you actually wanted the page to feel fast you would probably do something like <script>document.write(window.navigator.userAgent)</script>
I did not expect to argue in HN of all places whether it's OK or not to run the development mode of a library in production when it's so simple not to and the authors are trying so hard to prevent people from doing that.
LOL, that's prettymuch what the previous version of the site did. The new one is fancy partially to learn some new things, and partially to enable the host/share feature.