Reading this, you could be talking about me. So, I wonder if this attitude is something tied to being in between. I'm stuck between the millennials and Gen-X folks, not really belonging well to either.
Yup. I'm in this club too. Born in '83, not exactly a gen-xer nor a millennial. It's a weird spot to be... I, with all due respect, find that a lot of my older colleagues are too stuck in their ways, and find that the younger ones are self-entitled "everyone gets a prize" whiners :). Tough to navigate; at least the ones my age and older appreciate when I tell it like it is. The younger ones I feel like I have to be careful around, lest there be hurt feelings.
I work in volunteer convention running. I made someone cry once because I called their plan a "dumb idea" - this person mind you has a Ph.d in physics. I was dumbfounded.
I get frustrated by the younger folks because they all want everything RIGHT NOW (for no work), and I get frustrated by some of the older folks, because they're unwilling to question the status quo.
If you were born in '83, you're a (senior) millennial. While the definition of "Millenial" is fuzzy - you were a young adult (17 y.o.) when Y2K happened