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There is so much negativity in these comments! This project is really cool!

I really appreciate the trend to rewrite C/C++ libraries in Go. It has always been really frustrating that hacky library wrappers for other languages leave performance and features on the table because they're either incomplete or just too hard to implement in the host language. For most of the languages out there, it is always better to have a native implemention.

There are now a number of great embedded key/value stores for Go, which make it really easy to create simple, high performance stateful services that don't need the features provided by SQL.

What negativity are you referring to? Most comments seem to be positive or something to the effect of "how do B+ and LSM compare for this use case?".

> For most of the languages out there, it is always better to have a native implemention.

I'm not sure that's true...imagine a K/V store written natively in Ruby, Python, JS... People have done what DGraph did before, in other languages -- writing log-structured databases in Haskell, &c -- but without a very large community you didn't get the level of improvement and testing that you see with something written in C and used across many languages. The JVM is an example of an environment where the "native" approach has worked out well; but is that "most of the languages"?

Can C++ make use of this new Go library? It is my understanding that Go can now create shared libraries. That was my holdup for not adopting Go earlier on... it wasn't a good choice to write libraries in.

You've been able to do that since 1.5

``` go build -o libWithExport.so -buildmode=c-shared myProject ```

> I really appreciate the trend to rewrite C/C++ libraries in Go

If we're going to rewrite libraries which may be used by other applications, which gets deployed on servers, where people will need to update things in the name of security...

It would be nice if those libraries weren't statically linked, and thus would need to be rebuilt, pushed and redeployed for every one of their dependent libraries which had a security issue.

The only place I can imagine Go-based software being useful, is for code you've built yourself, for use in a always rolling forward cloud-environment you maintain yourself, where updating dependencies and rebuilding is part of the day to day operations.

Trusting Go-code written by other people for anything you deploy publicly sounds like something I'd rather never do. It sounds like a security nightmare.

"The only place I can imagine Go-based software being useful, is for code you've built yourself, for use in a always rolling forward cloud-environment you maintain yourself, where updating dependencies and rebuilding is part of the day to day operations."

Which is, you will notice, the core of where Go comes from.

Also, you may notice that "server" software is generally moving in this direction very quickly. "Containers" are basically static linking writ large. We're still early in the curve on this but I expect in the next few years we're going to see more people start pointing out that dynamic linking is basically obsolete nowadays (the first few brave souls have already started mumbling it), and even the only putative reason that people keep citing for it being a good idea, the ability to deploy security updates (but not ones that require ABI changes), is fading fast and was less important than people made it out to be anyhow. First, lots of people still basically don't do those updates. Second, even if you deploy the updates you still have to take the service down to restart it. Third, by the time you've instantiated the architecture that lets you manage your dynamic library updates at scale you've also instantiated the architecture you will need to simply rebuild your static-everything containers and redeploy them.

In another ten years I expect it to be simply common knowledge that if you can't completely rebuild and redeploy everything easily for a fix, you're not really operating at a professional level.

Go tooling already supports dynamic linking, just not in all platforms.

Was with you until you said you don't need SQL.

For really simplistic applications, omitting SQL is a fine choice, especially in golang you don't have the comfort of a well established ORM.

There exists libraries that do provide an ORM, but since the declarative side of golang is limited compared to languages, say Python, I find them unwieldy. Also, the current trend shuns the usage of an ORM in golang and encourages directly or indirectly writing SQL queries and interacting with the database through database/sql and its extending libraries, like jmoiron/sqlx.

For really simple application omitting a k/v store is even better. Why isn't a simple map good enough?

Lack of persistence is one such reason. Because Go's built-in maps are not completely safe to use concurrently, too, their usefulness as a key/value store is somewhat limited in many applications.

Naturally, it's possible to build a solution to persist Go maps and to make them safe to access across goroutines, but by that point you've built a persistent key/value store.

Depends on the requirements (persistency, concurrency etc.) No offense, but it's bit pointless to discuss it further without deeper context.

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