Hey everyone! I've been working on Insomnia for over two years now and am super excited to be able to share it with the world. Let me know if you have any questions.
Ya, Arch is easier because all you need is a Git repo with a file that links to the package. For apt, you have to have a full web server with a specific structure AFAIK.
Look into setting up a PPA on launchpad.net, or use Bintray. Both are easier to operate than reprepro, especially if you don't care to become an expert in Debian package hosting.
Does anybody have any direct experience with how this compares to Paw[1] (a "native" Mac app) in terms of performance, features, etc.? I currently use Paw and am happy with it, but this seems like it could potentially be a nice product to recommend to Linux and Windows users.
Just wanted to say that, as the creator of Insomnia, I love Paw. If I didn't need a cross-platform app at my last job, I might have never started working on Insomnia.
I've been using Insomnia for the past couple of months (switched from Postman) and I'm really liking it.
The workspace switching is especially powerful.
One thing though: every time the auto-updater runs, it places a shortcut on my desktop (Windows), which is really annoying.
It isn't dependent on your browser, which has made testing much more reliable in my use cases. My workplace uses a lot of single-sign-on stuff which makes it hard to authenticate using service accounts and whatnot.
Yes, recently noticed that I had some file upload issues with browser-based postman, and they suddenly disappeared when using the standalone. Not sure why, same settings. Looked like the browser based couldn't get the file/form encoding right.
A "Run in Insomnia" button would be great which I could add to the API documentation of my project (like this insomnia://run?method=post&url=example.com%2Fapi%2F)
That would be awesome. I just added a (still undocumented) protocol handler to import remote files (like insomnia://app/import?uri=https://foo.bar/file.json).
Putting the data right in the URL would be awesome as well, though.
I assume you mean version 4 of the Postman application. Version 4 of Postman can export v1 or v2 formats (the version of the export format itself), which can be selected when exporting a single Postman collection.
That worked, thanks. I assumed Postman version 4 must have had a different data format since when I exported all my data, importing it didn't work. It must be a different, proprietary format.
Postman only has a v1 and v2 data format. No proprietary format. The formats and the SDKs [1] to use them are also open source. The transformer for converting between versions is also open source [2]. Importing works fine for me. You could leave an issue on Github if you found a bug while importing.