To mitigate against the concern of parasitic capacitance raised by @pmoriarty, I would decouple the display layer from the computational layer using a shielding substrate.
You could get a very similar effect to what you're proposing if you used a future-version of a flexible OLED screen like the ones that LG[1] (and others) are beginning to produce. It's not exactly the case (yet) where you could fabricate it at home with your super cool electronics inject printer. It is, however, definitely a step in the right direction for giving enterprising people the ability to create open-source and bespoke tablets, phones, and other media devices that previously were only within the reach of very well-funded companies.
You could get a very similar effect to what you're proposing if you used a future-version of a flexible OLED screen like the ones that LG[1] (and others) are beginning to produce. It's not exactly the case (yet) where you could fabricate it at home with your super cool electronics inject printer. It is, however, definitely a step in the right direction for giving enterprising people the ability to create open-source and bespoke tablets, phones, and other media devices that previously were only within the reach of very well-funded companies.