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> Is it the right moral choice to protect the privacy of a cheater?

Is this spyware used to find out if someone is cheating? If so, it means you'd install it, and violate their privacy, without knowing if they are a cheater, so the point is moot.

I was not referring to the app, but in general to discover a cheater you'll most likely violate their privacy.

My point is that privacy in a relationship is a relationship thing, and the moral choice for me would be to not interfere in other peoples relationships. This includes not judging you if you use spyware on your wife.

> to discover a cheater you'll most likely violate their privacy

I'm not sure this is true. There are often clear boundaries, like secretly observing them in public versus accessing their private phones.

> privacy in a relationship is a relationship thing

but it's also a privacy thing. Is domestic abuse a relationship thing? That would also interfere with a relationship.

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