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> I've never so reckless refactored code as much as I do in Haskell, I just wait for the compiler to tell me what I missed and go back and fix it up. I'd never do that in C, C++, Java, etc; it'd be suicide.

That's precisely what I was doing at work today in a C# project. I was going particularly crazy today, doing some refactoring with project wide regex replaces rather than leaning on VS/Resharper for everything.

I think it depends a lot on how your project is structured. If you're passing around object everywhere and casting... you're gonna have a bad time, sure. But at that point you're practically using Python or something. If you're using generics and so on properly, then you can lean on the compiler and type system quite a lot.

Yup, C# codebases (especially w/ tools like Resharper) can be massively refactored and, in my experience, almost always work perfectly as long as there are no compilation errors. C# tooling is fantastic.

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