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Unfortunatly, that is not the case.

Running cyanogenmod here, stock dialer.

Open up the dialer. Go to settings. Oh, look: "phone number lookup". I wonder what that could be. Hmmm.

Click. What is that? "Forward lookup - Show nearby places when searching in the dialer". Ticked on by default.

"People lookup"? On by default.

Reverse lookup? On by default.

Default lookup provider? Google.

By default, it looms like the standard dialer app in android sends every call made or received to Google.

I hate how when you add a Google account, it auotmagically autosyncs. I have to disable sync for Calendar/Contacts/Everything, install Contact Delete, remove all my contacts, then install DavDroid off F-Droid and connect to my Radicale server.

This keeps some of my information away from Google. No normal person will go through this process.

All of the above is Google value-add. None of that is necessary.

Also, none of those options appear on my phone in the dialer settings (Android 6, Motorola phone), so either they've been moved or we're looking at different software. (Per another comment, likely I'm using the AOSP dialer, which thankfully lacks those "features")

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