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Every time I've tried to dedicate time to really learning Haskell, I've come away with the feeling, "If I was a lot smarter or had a lot more time to dedicate to it, this would be a fantastic language to develop in after about 2-3 years."

The way that functions can compose in the hands of a gifted developer is truly elegant. That said, I'm not sure it's a skill that translates well to the general development community (and maybe that's fine?).

Out of curiosity, what method/resource did you use to try to learn it?

I've tried "Learn You A Haskell for Great Good" and "Real World Haskell".

That was my guess, but I didn't want to be presumptuous. I tried with them and as well it didn't really stick. In my opinion "Learn You A Haskell" is a great supplememental reference, but a terrible teaching tool. And I think It's done more disservice to enforcing the reputation of Haskell being difficult to learn.

I highly recommend the lecture notes online from the "Upenn Spring 2013 Haskell" class. Search that phrase and it should be the first hit (am on mobile).

Go through the lecture notes, and do all the exercises in the homework. (Link in purple at the top). It's a night and day difference from LYAH.

And you get to build some nifty real world style projects along the way.

Good luck!

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