A slight correction that hole punching only works maybe 95% of the time, leading to endless non-technical articles commenting about how none of this works never. 95% is the same as 0% in the popular press.
Almost all voip problems are lack of bandwidth and wifi lack of reliability. Enough BW and a wired connection and its as perfect as legacy copper wire telephone service. The bean counters are of the opinion that 95% reliability is spending "enough" and the popular science article writer are of the opinion 95% reliability is the same as 0% so this will not change until the economics and infrastructure of broadband connections dramatically change. The problem has nothing to do with app developers or library authors, and has everything to do with the network engineering team in IT fighting with the bean counters, on several levels.
Yes, this is exactly right. With IPV6 you can give explicit instructions to open up a port because you know what port to open up.
The frustrating part is that none of this should be a problem. It's just that lots and lots of routers don't follow the specs properly. Here it is 2017 and you still can't reliably punch a hole in a firewall.
Almost all voip problems are lack of bandwidth and wifi lack of reliability. Enough BW and a wired connection and its as perfect as legacy copper wire telephone service. The bean counters are of the opinion that 95% reliability is spending "enough" and the popular science article writer are of the opinion 95% reliability is the same as 0% so this will not change until the economics and infrastructure of broadband connections dramatically change. The problem has nothing to do with app developers or library authors, and has everything to do with the network engineering team in IT fighting with the bean counters, on several levels.