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I'm definitely with you on having better categorization and classification and filtering options.

Kevin Rose did a short-lived app called Oink [1] a few years ago with the idea of ranking individual dishes at each restaurant. I really thought (and still think) there's a huge potential for this concept.

Every day I have some query like "show me all of the places that serve falafel within 15 minutes of me" or "what are all of the shops with sandwiches in my neighborhood?" Running those kinds of queries on the traditional POI sites like Yelp or Google Maps is pretty ineffective.

[1]: http://mashable.com/2012/03/14/kevin-roses-oink-folds/

Anybody use here use Oink? How as it? Very interested in this level of granularity for restaurants. Nobody really doing this well.

I am trying, its just a side project at this point.

I have never heard of it, but I am still going to pursue this space.

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