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> This feels totally infalsifiable!

This isn't too surprising, because it's a QM interpretation that's designed to be indistinguishable from the others. The MWI is unfalsifiable (you can't see the other worlds) and Copenhagen is too (you can't​ see wave function collapse actually happen).

Copenhagenism is falsifiable. It says that "large" things are classical and can't be put in superpositions. "Large" isn't well defined, but it includes at least humans. So, put a human in a superposition, and you've falsified it.

> Copenhagenism is falsifiable. It says that "large" things are classical and can't be put in superpositions.

Copenhagen doesn't say that. See for instance, Schrodinger's cat.

The biggest problem with Copenhagen is that it doesn't say if there is a physical collapse or that there isn't one. Instead think of it as a rule of thumb; if you apply the quantum/classical cut in the appropriate spot for your experiment, it will give the right answer. But it gives no guidance where that spot is or what physically is happening.

From the many worlds perspective, it's actually quite clear where the Copenhagen "collapse" occurs: it's when something enters a superposition with Earth.

It is true that WMI gives clear guidance on the subjective collapse, but there is nothing special about Earth.

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