>Say goodbye to mediocre programmers; ai is around the corner to write your avg crud app.
Oh yes, somehow only terrible and/or very large companies only manage to hang on to very old technologies and projects. I mean, there are virtually no sites using vulnerable frameworks and ancient password storage techniques any more. Those were killed off as they were introduced, and the programmers who did it the old way were sacrificed to some god or another. Mediocrity is apparently the bleeding edge.
That's because they considered AI a nearly solved problem, so the brightest minds stopped working on it. I can't find a reference to that statement, but I recall reading it from someone credible.
Complete nonsense. I've worked for the Pentagon since the middle 80's, it was and still is by far the biggest consumer of AI. The brightest minds of the 80's just couldn't deliver a working AI system, despite the government investing billions in LISP and Ada projects.
The same happened in Japan and Europe, their best CS people failed to deliver the promised Prolog AIs.
Oh yes, somehow only terrible and/or very large companies only manage to hang on to very old technologies and projects. I mean, there are virtually no sites using vulnerable frameworks and ancient password storage techniques any more. Those were killed off as they were introduced, and the programmers who did it the old way were sacrificed to some god or another. Mediocrity is apparently the bleeding edge.