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Not sure why I'm getting downvoted, but in any case, I didn't mean any disrespect to what the quote is about or to the parent poster. His comment just reminded me of this (from a purely stylistic point of view -- the subject matters are in completely separate universes when it comes to gravity), that's all.

I didn't downvote you, but I suspect that you were downvoted because regardless of whether or not you intended to be disrespectful to the quote, people feel that it's disrespectful anyway.

I would be hard-pressed to disagree with them - making any allusions to the WWII holocaust when we're talking about stylistic preferences for a search page is in pretty bad taste from where I'm sitting.

You're right. Sorry if I offended. The parent comment only triggered the style of the quote in my memory, and in that context I didn't really think about the content. But looking back, it's probably in bad taste, especially among strangers. If we knew each other, I'm sure it would be clear I meant no disrespect. Point taken.

Misunderstandings are easy on the internet. No hard feelings.

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