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> but what happens when someone creates a foo to objective-c compiler - for eg flash to objective-c or mono to objective-c.

They already exist and are specifically forbidden by the license (or were last time I checked): the previous update added the requirements that applications be originally written in a supported language, forbidding the usage of a cross-compiler.

Now I'm guessing if it's your own for your own stuff (think GOAL) it's going to fly unnoticed, but the minute a cross compiler gets enough traction, you can bet its binaries are going to be fingerprinted and banned on sight.

Stuff like this makes me very unhappy. Everyone programming in the same language and using the same frameworks. Sounds right out of a pink floyd video or an apple commercial from the 80s. To repeat a popular meme - the more I grow up, the more I realise that maybe the Sith were upto something ...

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