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Your counter and metaphor doesnt really apply here. Let's look at why:

1. A car is a necessity that cost a ton to replace. An internet-connected camera or TV isnt. They could just as easily not buy an Internet-enabled appliance.

2. These devices are being used as weapons when people leave them around insecure. Leaving loaded guns lying around is a bit closer but minus the lethality.

3. With cars, we have efforts on safety and security at user side, manufacturer side, and the law. There's no effort to buy secure IoT by these users, to do even minimum protections at manufacturing, or pass laws putting liability on users or manufacturers where it should be. Now, it's more like a car with defective parts that make it hit other cars. A city's worth are affected with nobody taking action but people are told armored cars are available for a fortune.

So, these comparisons to highly damaging thefts of legit goods on innocent people are nonsense. There's defective products damaging innocent people. Nobody with power to prevent or punish it legitimately is doing anything. Im happy that a vigilante is reducing risk to Internet hosts plus putti g cost on those responsible for that risk.

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