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The bizarre thing is that the help page says:

"You can remove your background image at any time by clicking Remove background image in the bottom left corner of the homepage."

But that just reverts it the default image, not the old white.

Edit: Actually it looks like the forced background is just temporary, for 24 hours, according to the Google Blog post: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/06/art-of-homepage.html

You can get to something more sane by using the Google Pacman. Amazingly, it loads faster than the image.


I just wasted time on that page - thanks. Now I see where everyone's time went on the day that was on the google homepage (which I missed).

Hell yeah, thanks. That's my new homepage now.

https://www.google.com doesn't have the background.

Those instructions only apply when you've altered the image. If you want white, select white.

Selecting white still leaves the logo, other text, as white with a drop-shadow. Echh.

Euw. Forced for 24 hours?

Looks as though the regular ol' google main page is back with "Curious about today's homepage? Add your own background image now"

Guess someone was listening!

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