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The Killing Fields won 3 Oscars and was nominated for best picture. We watched it in Junior year history in high school. I don't think you can get out of an American high school without learning about Pol Pot.

More importantly: recognition of human suffering isn't zero sum. Acknowledging the scale of what happened to European Jewish people doesn't take away recognition of what happened to Native Americans --- in fact, in my experience, the genocide of Native Americans and European Jews are usually the two textbook examples of nationally-sponsored genocides.

Finally, I'll observe that nobody has condescended to you here.

> I don't think you can get out of an American high school without learning about Pol Pot.

I didn't learn about the Khmer Rouge in school (high school in Texas, graduated 2004). But I learned about it quickly afterward.

Hi, I can't respond to your comment below. I just want you to know it's not correct. I also learned of the Trail of Tears, but the US Government paid per head for killing Native Americans, and never formally recognized or apologized for it. It has never been recognized as an attempted genocide. It's not an "internet argument," it's a fact.

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