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Yes! To HNers out there that are put off by the title of the book, Please do not judge a book by it's cover! 'How to Win Friends...' is a classic book with real, gritty, and practical advice that really does help. If you have not yet read it, do yourself a favor, swallow the bitter pill that is the title, and read it this weekend. Almost no other book is better at helping you learn how to 'network' than this one (though if you know of a better one, please leave a comment!)

Agreed. The "influence people" part of the title really rubbed me the wrong way.

But after reading it, it's not at all about manipulating people. It could just as well be titled "How to be a pleasant human being", because that's what it's mostly about -- along with many anecdotes illustrating the positive consequence of behaving pleasantly and respectfully.

Better yet grab the audio book. It's not one of those books that is read for it's beautiful prose its read for its content. Perfect for listening when you have 15-25 minutes free.

It's so good that managers in many companies mandate that managers or support people read it. Another I liked was Lifetime Conversation Guide.

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