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'Smart' is a very loosely defined concept. Let's assume for the time being that by smart, you mean, 'being able to creatively solve problems.' This, fortunately, is a skill you can learn. Here are some pointers you might find useful.

(1) Get rid if your TV. Dumping my TV probably had the single largest impact on the effective use of my time. You will be amazed at how much more creative you can be when you no longer have an excuse to lounge about for an hour or so at a time.

(2) Don't 'study' your academics. Ignore the marks altogether and learn stuff for the sake of it being interesting to you. Study chapters outside the syllabus and ignore ones in it that might be boring. You may sacrifice results in the short run but your long term understanding and passion for the subject will be of great benefit in the long run.

(3) Be endlessly curious. Make an effort to figure out how things around you work, or why they work that way. Seriously, take a cigarette lighter apart from time to time just for the sake of solving the how. Drive a different route home just to see where it goes and why.

(4) Don't be afraid to fix things that break. Always make an effort to fix some or other mechanical thing that breaks around the house. You'll be surprised how this improves your patience and problem solving skills.

(5) Spend time with smart people. Watching them solve problems and how they think will give you something to work towards.

Being 19, you still have a lot of time to get smart - so put in the effort now and by the time you're finished college, you'll probably be nicely along the road to better, more creative, problem solving.

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