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No idea what happened? No worries, substitute a strong uninformed opinion!

He was absolutely and emphatically not sentenced for "just asking questions," nor for the title of his article. GTranslated media coverage for that case: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=cs&tl=en&js=y&prev...

The gist of his article was essentially "no holocaust ever took place, there is no evidence of any genocide or gas chambers, Hitler did nothing wrong." He was just asking questions, riiiiight.

"just asking questions"

South Park has never been more relevant: https://www.hulu.com/watch/252630

It must be 'true' if it should be defended by prison sentences.

It's witch hunting and disbars healthy debate.

I'm not saying He was right, but neither accepting the propaganda of the winners as a dogma and go for witch-hunting for it.

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