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There's actually an Israeli documentary about how American Jewish lobby organizations make comparing genocides a competition (of course insisting that the Holocaust was the worst, no matter what) and that their leaders and members often do this to compensate for lack of religiosity. So, yes, the Jewish lobbying efforts are unique, and uniquely successful. There's nothing wrong about it per se, but if it happens at the cost of remembering other Nazi victims, or victims of other genocides, things are definitely headed in the wrong direction.

I don't understand why your interlocutor has dignified this comment, because it's not responsive to their point. Since this (still unnamed) documentary has not, in your estimation, suggested that the ADL suppresses the non-Jewish victims of the Third Reich --- how could it? They certainly do not. --- you're simply perpetuating the anti-Semitic subtext that commenter was complaining about: that any recognition of the magnitude of the suffering endured by Jewish people during the Holocaust must in some zero-sum way take away from the suffering of others, and thus it's once again the acquisitiveness of Jewish people distorting global politics.

That commenter is right to have none of this.

There were also "Israelis" who think Isreal's is an abomination because it is a Jewish state in existence without the Messiah. What is the existence of a documentary supposed to prove other than that in any group of people, there is a variety of opinion? The bias comes in how you cite, weight, and construe elements of this plurality. Not whether they exist.

Funny how you just focus on the existence of the documentary, and not on the contents of it which I paraphrased. I'm not talking about some fringe Extremist Haredi group, I'm talking about a mainstream Israeli film author closely following and critically introspecting the work of the ADL and their then-CEO.

The ADL is not a Holocaust remembrance group! They're a group chartered to combat anti-Semitism. You know some other groups that doesn't spend a lot of time talking about the Romani exterminated by the Third Reich? Partners In Health, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the NRA.

But once again the subtext: if a Jewish organization mentions the Holocaust, they have a special responsibility not borne by other organizations to ensure they don't take too much credit for their suffering, in which the majority of their population were swept from the continent of Europe.

You haven't even given the title. What am I supposed to do, hunt down every reference you fail to cite to dispute a point no one is making - i.e. that countervailing narratives exist within groups on opinions they are assumed to have consensus about? Sorry, no. Burden of evidence for a documentary you vaguely allude is on you, and I'm happy for others to watch it and draw their own conclusions, because I've got to get to work.

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