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Call me old fashioned, I think it's brilliant marketing by Bing and Colbert, but I'm not keen on running over effigys of people as entertainment. This guy has a family, and while he may yet be found completely responsible for the disaster, baying for his blood is not the response of an educated society. Ask yourself, if he was your son, father or brother, would you be happy with this treatment?

Leave the retributions for the courtroom. We are all partially responsible for the oil spill with our demand for petroleum based products at the lowest price possible.

None of us are responsible for the oil spill. We did not choose or make choices that caused the oil spill. We are accountable for the demand that spurred BP's attempts with drilling, but not the spill itself.

I always find it fascinating that people uninvolved in the going-ons for random markets are blamed for unwanted side effects. BP could have just raised their prices, but they chose not to (therefore taking responsibility) and failed. Shame on them.

I'd say we are all (or most of us) responsible in some way, for not bothering to even question the practices of the oil companies (a ka "conveniently looking away"). Granted, we can not personally solve all problems of the world - that's why there are governments to do that job. But we elect those governments.

It's not as if there was never any indication that oil drilling could threaten the environment.

Who will give the permission to drill for oil in the artic, and why will the permission be given?

Agreed. Not only have we created the demand for the product, but in our "government of the people, by the people, and for the people", we are all (collectively at least) responsible for what our government does.

Moreover, as has been noted elsewhere in this thread, the buck does not stop at BP. If you're going to be consistent in the way you assign blame, you've got to follow the trail to the independent company that was actually operating the drilling rig. If you're going to pass the responsibility away from the consumer, through the gas station operator, and on to the refiner, it only makes sense to take the next step to the driller.

I think it's unclear what responsibility really means. I take responsibility when I buy a house for example. There was something I wanted - I purchased it - and now I am responsible for it's care, problems, etc.

I did not choose for them to drill offshore - I would have recommended heavily against it in fact. Therefore I am not responsible. BP is responsible because they made the decision to drill - and all of the companies that decided to help are also responsible. I am, however, accountable for increasing the demand for oil that spurred their decision.

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