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Assuming he doesn't care for the money, it seems like this waste of an opportunity to help some people - and rather selfish. Perhaps the Clay institute will do something good with the money (scholarships?)

if you read the article, it stated that it would donate the prize to charity.

"According to Carlson [Head of Clay], the money will be sent to a charity foundation if Perelman does not claim it within one year."

Anyone got a fake ID and a false beard?

No, but I've got a fake beard and a false ID. Will that do?

Is this a abelian group?

I know I know terrible joke.

Can you count in Russian?

adeen dva tree chiteeriet piat shess sem vosem dyevit dyesit

I can has prize now?

Try: один, два, три, четыри, пять, шесть, семь, восемь, девять, десять.

That's what I said. Surely I get extra credit for transliterating it to what it sounds like to a native english speaker?

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