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Here's what really happened. I talked with my doctors and realized that I only have so much time left to live. Writing this article was of the items about putting my affairs in order. So short term this was a good decision.

Otherwise, in court I'll be happy to defend myself. If it is necessary to spend time to defend yourself then that is a blessing. I have successfully sued the government (the US Army and Veterans affairs, no less) http://www.gao.gov/docket/B-413723.2 when they do things wrong. Just be persistent and be right. Then we came out with a nice settlement. Sorry GAO used to publish fulltext docket outcomes but I don't see it here.

Fuck Nissan. (Can we curse here on HN?) Because their cars suck and because of this case that I am well aware of. The sad thing is that Mr. Nissan spent so much money in defense. I should hope that he would be able to be more effective with less money.

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