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No comparison between both. Can I change the URL bar in Google Chrome and add an icon or something to it? No! Can I change the refresh button to something else, add new functionality to the start page? No!

Google Chrome Extensions are just simple HTML5 apps in a small screen, that you access them through clicking an icon. So they can't be complicated. In Firefox it's a different thing, you have access to the whole browser and you can change anything. You can even integrate "DLL (C code)".

I'm pretty sure Chrome Extensions allow you to integrate DLLs into your extension. Maybe this isn't the same thing you were referring to?


Maybe not, but on the other hand you can do more than your comment hint at.

I should know, I currently run both Adblock and Flashblock.

That's because Extensions can be GreaseMonkey Scripts, so they can change a page (or a specific page) HTML.

Chrome Extensions could alter/add page content before they integrated the ability to run GreaseMonkey Scripts.

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