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I was cynically expecting only a bunch of resources about parsing and compilation, but was pleasantly surprised that the first section was about language design!

Here's a shameless plug for Brown's PL course last year. The videos and assignments are all online. The assignments involve exploring mystery languages, and aim to teach a bit about the consequences of language design. Next year we might do a MOOC.


I liked the fact that it started with language design too. One of the links points to a Paul Graham essay which touches on the idea that "You Need an Application to Drive the Design of a Language"; that writing a language for the sake of writing a language without an application in mind isn't (edit*) as effective[0]. Things like that, thinking about the reason for creating the language in the first place, is a fundamental starting point imo.

[0] http://www.paulgraham.com/langdes.html (Number 3)

So I checked out that link and:

This may not be an absolute rule, but it seems like the best languages all evolved together with some application they were being used to write. C was written by people who needed it for systems programming. Lisp was developed partly to do symbolic differentiation, and McCarthy was so eager to get started that he was writing differentiation programs even in the first paper on Lisp, in 1960.

...but can that claim really be supported? Are c and lisp "the best" languages and if that "rule" is true, why does the claim have to be tempered for the two examples (C was written by people who needed to do programming at the time - was PHP not written for needs, too? lisp was only kind of developed for symbolic differentiation, and was lisp 1.6 one of the best languages or do we prefer scheme, common lisp...arc)?

He could have at least tried to make us believe it! :)

The truth seems to be that we don't know what makes a good language. In academic research we have criteria for what makes a language expressive, and tools for analyzing existing languages and check if they allow for modular development or are fundamentally incapable of building sound abstractions.

What we don't have are answers to the "soft" questions. What makes a language pleasant to use (ignoring familiarity)? Which abstractions are easy to communicate and why or why not? What's the best way to communicate intent to a computer? It seems very unlikely that the answer should be "a text editor", but so far all alternatives have turned out to be terrible...

What's especially vexing about this is that it looks like a solvable problem. People in the social sciences have been measuring far more ephemeral phenomena, the only problem is one of funding and finding the right people to run such big and extensive experiments.

> The truth seems to be that we don't know what makes a good language.

On the other hand, we do know what makes a bad language. We can spot flaws in a language, and fixing them automatically makes them better —at least in the aspects one is interested in. C for instance has a number of flaws and questionable tradeoffs that are widely known by now:

Contextual grammar. While not too bad (the context is easy to maintain in the parser), unknown identifiers can lead to syntax errors, and slightly worse error messages.

Complicated syntax for types. Matching declaration and use may have sounded neat at the time, but doing so kills the separation between an entity's name and its type. The result is not very readable. An ML-like syntax would be much better.

Switch that falls through by default. The switch statement were clearly designed from an implementer's point of view —it maps nicely to a jump table. In practice however over 95% of switch statements do not fall through. Switch should break by default (Having multiple cases branch to the same code is more common, but is not incompatible with breaking by default, see how ML style pattern matching does it).

No direct support for sum types (tagged unions). We have structs , unions, and with them we can emulate algebraic data types. It's a pain in the butt however. Automating this somewhat would be nice, since sum types are so widely useful. Even if they were used just for error handling that would be a nice bonus.

No generics. Makes it much harder to abstract away common code. Want to write a generic hash table? Good luck with pre-processor magic.

Textual macros. We can do, and have done, better than that.

Too many undefined behaviours. In the name of portability, many things that would have worked fine on many architectures are now undefined because some architectures couldn't handle them. And now we have silly stuff such as undefined signed integer overflow. But we can't remove them because compiler writers justify this madness with optimizations! (For the record, I have seen Chandler Carruth's talk on the subject, and I disagree: when compilers remove security checks because of undefined behaviour, it is just as bad as nasal demons.)

Silly `for` loop. That damn thing is fully general, we don't need that. We have the `while` loop. A simpler, less general syntax would have allowed optimisations that currently exploit undefined signed integer overflow, and then some.


Of course, it's easy to criticise a language over 40 years after the fact. But that's kind of the point: we have learned a good deal since the 70's. A language written now could not justify most of the flaws above. This is why so many people (me included) dismissed Go out of hand: not providing generics in a new statically typed language is just silly.

Sure, designing a good language is still very hard. But we can avoid more mistakes now than we could some decades ago.

This is a good point.

At least I find it encouraging that there are some of the newer languages that are taking errors from the past into account.

They're not going to be perfect and they surely have their own flaws, but that's something that someone will fix in a couple of decades once we will know what new ideas are actually good and bad.

>...but can that claim really be supported? Are c and lisp "the best" languages and if that "rule" is true, why does the claim have to be tempered for the two examples (C was written by people who needed to do programming at the time - was PHP not written for needs, too? lisp was only kind of developed for symbolic differentiation, and was lisp 1.6 one of the best languages or do we prefer scheme, common lisp...arc)?

I find most of the questions irrelevant to his point.

>Are c and lisp "the best" languages

Yes, by many metrics. They might no be the best academically perfect languages, but they both have been hugely resilient, influential, and/or succesful, which is a good metric for considering what's "best".

>* (C was written by people who needed to do programming at the time - was PHP not written for needs, too?*

Yes, and PHP is also very good for what it does, with huge adoption and powering over 30% of the web.

>was lisp 1.6 one of the best languages or do we prefer scheme, common lisp...arc

Doesn't matter, those are still Lisps or owe 90% of their existence to Lisp 0.1. Any languages can have multiple updates, mistakes fixed, added cool features, etc, PG talks more about the core of the language being great (the language as set of concepts etc), than about Lisp 0.1 or C 0.1 being great from the start. Whether those languages were later updated with even better constructs is kind of irrelevant.

Yes, by many metrics. They might no be the best academically perfect languages, but they both have been hugely resilient, influential, and/or successful, which is a good metric for considering what's "best".

like JS? Is it a best language?

C and lisp are very different examples of success - one has been dominant in business for decades and one was very influential but isn't really a business success today. Those are hugely different metrics - are you talking about popularity or core language design?

If you expand the definition for success that wide, then yeah, you'll find that all "successful" languages fit your standard because you don't have a very useful standard.

Yes, and PHP is also very good for what it does, with huge adoption and powering over 30% of the web.

Yes, but knowing pg's stance on blub, he probably wouldn't agree. But that's the issue with the claim - PG didn't really expand on it so you have no idea what he really means.

The fact of the matter is we simply don't have that many examples of successful languages. Maybe n < 29 which means that every example we pick of "this is how language design works" is choosing from a very small sample, perhaps not representative of anything and all successful due to various factors. Not a good way to make "rules".

>like JS? Is it a best language?

Not as much. But JS is the opposite of what PG describes in 2 ways:

1) It didn't grow out by people with a need to develop some specific app, and it wasn't organically designed to serve such use. It was created with a top-down dictum by someone who didn't write, and didn't have to write, web apps himself, and in fact at a time where web apps weren't even a thing: it was created for light behavioral scripting. And it gets even worse, as some higher-ups even influenced its syntax (again by dictum): "make it look like Java".

2) Similarly, JS didn't survive and thrived as some evolutionary selected best way to serve the web. It survived as the only way to serve the web, period. So we can't say if its success is not anything else that it having been forced upon everybody + the success of the web in general.

>Yes, but knowing pg's stance on blub, he probably wouldn't agree.

No so sure. Actually IIRC PG used Perl along with Lisp in Viaweb later days [1]? Not that far from PHP as far as elegance is concerned, but he knew it was a good tool for the job. ("Viaweb at first had two parts: the editor, written in Lisp, which people used to build their sites, and the ordering system, written in C, which handled orders. The first version was mostly Lisp, because the ordering system was small. Later we added two more modules, an image generator written in C, and a back-office manager written mostly in Perl.")

Same here about finding resources for language design.

I wish there was some course that could teach me language design so that I can (better) predict how my decisions will affect the final result.

Plus how much can reasonably I "pack" into the language [1] in terms of notation and cognitive load when used.

Maybe some resource about choosing notation would be nice too (as opposed to parsing notation once chosen). When I try to pick many ideas from different places, I'm sometimes surprised by collisions in notation.

In general, I have to idea in what model I have to run my estimates.

What are some examples of consequences taught through the course you linked to?

[1] I'm talking about textual languages only for now.

Maybe you could use some information theory to calculate the entropy of your language and evaluate when it makes sense to introduce new concepts. I played with this idea but I have never used it in practice for designing languages.

Yeah, I was also thinking along those lines when writing my comment. That there trade-offs are like those in a Huffman tree. So one easily accessible/expresible feature means many more distant ones.

Has someone thought and wrote about this?

And there are other aspects that don't quite fit the information theory model (like using infix notation for operators or not, from Paul Graham's post).

Thanks. Will definitely check it out. What is the assumed background for the students?

> What is the assumed background for the students?

Just intro CS, I believe.

Nice, I will consider adding it to the list

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