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"Netflix is over-engineered, it's just videos lol"

Classic HN hubris.

For example, Netflix dynamically adjusts video quality on demand. Pretty easy feature. The top HN comment will explain how they would implement that in five minutes -- hypothetically, of course!

"Responsible 20% of the entire us internet traffic? Solved problem mate, i could do it on a single machine with mongodb. Overengineered!"

Forget about the joke for a minute and let's be realistic.

It is entirely possible and reasonable to prototype a streaming service serving 20% of the us traffic with a single machine and mongodb.

Well, a single machine, mongodb AND akamai.

Well of course, mongodb is web scale don't ya know

MongoDB is shit. No need to use it.

What's important is really the distribution and caching layer, and Akamai has been offering that for a very long time for all the big internet companies.

Prove it.

Just think how much more they could do if they stopped using MySQL. /s

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