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I was wrong about docker, back when I was playing with it it did use LXC, and appears to have started out as project to make a specialized version of LXC. You're right that Docker has its own container runtime now.

The overhead for running containers is usually very low but real. The OS needs to partition low level resources that are normally shared and the scheduling introduces some overhead.

I disagree about network performance. The virtualization adds a somewhat small but non-trivial overhead here (the overhead for other stuff could probably be considered trivial)

Here is a paper I dug up on that gives results to back up my ranting. It's a bit old now but probably still holds mostly true. http://domino.research.ibm.com/library/cyberdig.nsf/papers/0...

I'd need a citation that a process running in a namespace adds overhead.

My point about network virtualization is that it is not required to use linux containers. Yes, some container tools do create network abstractions that add overhead, but they aren't required and most tools allow you to optionally bypass the abstraction and sit directly on the host's network stack.

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