> "All links included in Direct Message notification emails currently pass through our link service and are converted to a http://t.co link. We've also begun testing this service for links in Tweets"
I'm curious whether they're going to outright put a blanket ban on "alternative" URL shorteners like they did with Twitter-based Ad services.
Looks like they're going to wrap existing shortened URLs with t.co:
If you are already partial to a particular shortener when you tweet, you can continue to use it for link shortening and analytics as you normally would, and we'll wrap the shortened links you submit.
> "All links included in Direct Message notification emails currently pass through our link service and are converted to a http://t.co link. We've also begun testing this service for links in Tweets"
I'm curious whether they're going to outright put a blanket ban on "alternative" URL shorteners like they did with Twitter-based Ad services.