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I don't mean to offend, but aren't these all sort of...common sense?

Yes, if common sense was common, it would be common sense :).

In my "career" of chess, I still learn things after 12 years. This year my focus is to not downtalk myself before a game against a strong opponent. It is part of my personality to do that. I also do that in more common situations. Chess just provides a way to battle your own shortcomings and improve yourself.

Other things I learn by playing chess... Always play till the end, untill there are no more chances. Only then give up. I learned to lose better, and am still learning that. The less I am afraid of losing, the more freeflowing my gameplay is. I learned to find my way better in chaotic situations and I actually love them. I like to find the moves and game-style that gives a bit of bewonderment and inspiration.

And yes, you can learn something everywhere. You just have to pick your battles and where to fight/play them. Chess fits my personality, it does a lot to me.

I can relate to this a lot. The lessons of finding one's way in chaotic situations and learning not to fear them in particular did carry over into real life along with several other lessons.

Interesting. Thanks for the response.

It's the difference between "knowing" something is a good idea and actually comprehending why since you've seen it executed successfully and understand the consequences for and against that idea. Now you understand the core concepts and don't just "know" it because it's "common sense". Huge difference.

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