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I actually think there is a valid point in that idealogies have a momentum of sorts. Passive investors historically have had privileged access to isolated "pie" via a barrier-to-entry of patience. Without this barrier-to-entry, which happens when passive-investing becomes the go-to default, the pie is distributed amongst larger people so the "patience" arbitrage is reduced. Active investors have access to smaller pie as the flow is going to passive investing but if the denominator reduces faster than the numerator individuals still receive more pie despite total pie decreasing.

So the momentum of the idealogy has shifted from people trying to beat the market to people throwing up their hands and following heuristics. The larger the momentum of the heuristic the more robust it is. (Which is bad, in an antifragile vs robust sort of way)

To use a real world example, you could say that the overall restaurant industry is vibrant only because individuals naively underestimate the difficulty in starting one. The naive trying is what produces a competitive landscape that discovers 'quality'.

Similarly, the naive trying to get VC capital (despite the majority of ideas not having the scale/growth potential needed to fit the VC model) creates a vibrant technology and new-lifestyle scene.

So during a momentum re-stabilization phase, it's possible that the truck topples over the railing instead of back onto the road. Also, the overall reduction in number of individual of thinkers also increases the impact of bad-faith agents in positions of unfair leverage.

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