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What programming languages are used late at night? (stackoverflow.blog)
424 points by frostmatthew on April 19, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 232 comments

  C programmers start the day a bit later, keep using the language in the evening, and stay up the longest. This suggests C may be particularly popular among hobbyist programmers who code during their free time (or perhaps among summer school students doing homework).
... or they're the only ones stuck down a rabbit hole chasing some obscure memory leak that keeps bugging them until late in the evening.

Naively, there's nothing forcing these developers to chase that leak into the night, rather than into the next work-day.

But I do wonder whether some languages have debugging problems that require "keeping more state" to solve them than others, such that the developers doing debugging in those languages would rather forge ahead and finish, than drop it and pick it back up the next day. That'd be an interesting thing to measure.

It'd also be interesting if some languages attract certain developers, because the attention-span and "mental stack size" the language designers assumed for the language, feel better suited to them. Maybe there are languages better for people who can juggle many or few facts at once; languages better for people who can hold three screens of text in their head, or who prefer to only have to think about one line at a time; etc?

There's definitely the overhead in re-loading where you were yesterday, although sometimes that's handy - "sleeping on it" does work.

I find (in any work, not just the rare C work) that when I get into a juicy problem I just don't want to stop. It's nothing to do with the task switching / reload cost, it's that I'm interested in what I'm doing.

So I think you're right that it's about what kind of developers a language attracts, but not because it effects the language designers. I think it has something to do with the languages used by people along the "programming is a job" - "code is life" spectrum. Look at Haskell's bump. AFAIK, Haskell is only used by people for whom code is a way of life.

(This is not an endorsement or indictment of either end of that spectrum. Some people who paint are workers, others are craftsmen, others are artists. All use paint.)

I started leaving my laptop hibernated with visual studio or gdb stuck at the break point where I was off. The feature to anottate variables and pin them also helps for when somebody bothers you mid debug session.

Good point, but I meant mental re-loading.

"Some people who paint are workers, others are craftsmen, others are artists. All use paint."

That sounds so profound. Did you just make that up, or is it a old paint industry koan?

I can't tell if this is wonderfully worded ("sounds so profound" compared to actually being profound) and understated sarcasm or if you are serious?

> But I do wonder whether some languages have debugging problems that require "keeping more state" to solve them than others, such that the developers doing debugging in those languages would rather forge ahead and finish, than drop it and pick it back up the next day.

I used to stay late at work sometimes for this reason - not more than an hour or so but I found that even when I stayed late I often didn't manage to solve the issue that day - instead I came in the next morning fresh and was able to solve it better after having slept on it.

Now, that's true of debugging in my experience, but if you're knocking something out quick and don't want to have to get back into that groove the next day, it's a different story.

Use address sanitizer and leak sanitizer (-fsanitize=address). Compile with options that forbid omission of frame pointers (-fno-omit-frame-pointer) to get a nice backtrace of where the allocation occurred. Also compile with full debugging info (-g) so that leak errors contain file and line numbers. Problem solved.

EDIT: this apparently only works on x86-64 Linux. If you are targeting something else, it might be slightly harder.

> Problem solved.

You forgot "bypass or instrument our custom allocators", "determine repro steps in the first place", "filter out false positives", "bypass or instrument your refcounting - because failing to pair a free() with your malloc() isn't the problem, nor even failing to pair decRef()s with addRef()s - breaking up cycles is", etc.

Sometimes the answer is "force your scripting language to garbage collect again".

Sometimes the answer is "track down an incorrect cast in code that ultimately causes a single byte corruption in your refcount".

Sometimes the answer is far more horrifying.

Unless you're working in the embedded space, there's no reason to not write your C project to target whatever arch is the most debug-friendly first, and then just port it to the system it's "for" at the end.

Unless the issue ends up being arch specific

How does asan compare with Valgrind?

Valgrind is a serious savior for me sometimes, it's able to catch leaks, access violations, use of uninitialized memory, use-after-frees (and it can tell you where it was free'd), data races, etc. Microsoft's heap debugging stuff really doesn't measure up unfortunately, on Windows I'm frequently left grinding my face into the ground when I hit such issues. Fortunately they're fairly rare as I generally stick to C++ with more modern techniques which avoid most of the pitfalls - but when they do happen it can get nasty without a tool like Valgrind.

Helgrind is quite good for threading issues too.

Valgrind misses certain problems with stack memory and runs your program with a 10x slowdown. AddressSanitizer and friends use a lot of extra virtual address space, but run with about a 2x slowdown.

If you're interested in C++ tooling, maybe watch through The Care and Feeding of C++'s Dragons[1] from GoingNative 2013. They start to talk about AddressSanitizer at 55m40s, but the entire thing is really good. The tools they talk about have just gotten even better and more widely available since then.

[1]: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/The-Care-a...

Interesting, what I'd heard from a colleague is that asan wasn't worth using since it couldn't catch uninitialized memory and stuff. Thanks, I'll have to look into it more.

AddressSanitizer is part of a suite of tools - MemorySanitizer will catch uninitialized memory, and there is UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer and ThreadSanitizer as well. Your colleague may be complaining that a wrench is not a screwdriver.

Address sanitizer has caught something on every codebase I've enabled it on. YMMV, but I encourage you to at least try it out and draw your own conclusions.

There are different sanitizers for catching different sorts of bugs. MemorySanitizer is the one that catches use of uninitialized memory.

> EDIT: this apparently only works on x86-64 Linux. If you are targeting something else, it might be slightly harder.

What? I do the same thing on both FreeBSD and macOS.

I think he got that from the Clang documentation: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LeakSanitizer.html

...or are more likely to be doing the kind of work where no one is pestering you about when to come at work and when to leave.

What slows me down in C is not memory bugs, its bare-bones nature, which leaves me either implementing basic stuff myself or trying integrate some library that I don't really want.

Memory unsafety is terrifying, but not much of a time-sink in ordinary development. Only once in my career have I found a memory bug that was difficult to track down and fix (it was a stack overflow in a C++ program on an embedded OS).

The real problem with memory unsafety is that I nave no idea how many memory bugs I didn't find.

Valgrind a lot both with finding and diagnosing memory bugs. But it cannot solve everything.

>programmers who code during their free time

for my sideprojects i use mostly C because it is easy and straightforward - you just write what you need without satisfying all the other requirements. At work it is Java, C++, Python.

Every one of my worst-bug-ever stories starts with something stupid I did in C.

I had a boss that called while I was on vacation and told me he needed me back in the office immediately to fix a bug that was only in development. Long of it was, I stayed on vacation for an extra week to fix the bug remotely, but when he called I was in the car about a half hour from the Canadian border in Washington after having driven from Chicago.

There are tools, such as Valgrind and Dr. Memory, to prevent just that.

With the tools, finding and fixing that sort of issue isn't generally very difficult.

"Learning haskell" is pretty much in the same category as "Write that novel I've been thinking about."

Learning Haskell has been made much easier with Haskell Book[1]. Unlike LYAH, it actually has a ton of exercises and in-depth explanations so you understand the why behind things as you make progress. That said, it requires discipline to read through.

[1] http://haskellbook.com/

The big problem I've had with Haskell is that even after gaining a pretty good understanding of the language (including monads and such) I still can't fathom how to do anything real with it.

Exercises are great and all, but once I try to go past exercises, I start getting lost in layers of monad transformers, and I struggle to figure out the "right" way to do anything. It just feels like there are all these layers of abstraction and complexity that are required for even simple applications, and I can't seem to reach the point where it all clicks for me and becomes manageable.

Reading the TOC and chapter notes for that book, I'm not convinced it'll help me. Even the "final project" at the end of the book is described as "a little weird, but small". I don't need more weird, small examples, I need a full-fledged application! I've tried picking out random Haskell OSS apps and studying them, but without newbie-friendly documentation to walk me through the code, I find it very hard to follow what's happening....

I'd recommend just making yourself pick up a project, and run with it. Try not to over think it, and if you start to feel paralyzed, just say "fuck it, I'll do it the first, shittiest way that comes to mind."

As an example, the first "real" project I wrote in Haskell was one or two weeks into learning it: a web testing framework/DSL (a la Capybara[0]) that spoke a (custom) protocol over socket to a headless webkit instance[1].

Looking back, I abused stuff like type-classes and such, but then again, it was all a learning experience. I should probably be a little embarrassed about how I left the project, but in the interest of providing some inspiration, here it is in all its gory -- I mean, glory: https://github.com/cstrahan/happybara

[0]: http://teamcapybara.github.io/capybara/

[1]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/capybara-webkit/tree/master/sr...

I completely agree with the "write shit code" approach. That's how I learn any new language. As long as you adopt an attitude where you are aware that you're writing bad code and are willing to adapt and learn better processes as you progress, then it's the quickest way to getting proficient. Much like that immersion technique of learning a foreign language by moving to another language.

Yeah, the key is to start out writing shit code, but to skim over and get a feel for when you might use the more advanced concepts so that when the time comes that you think you might be able to apply something you know what to look for quickly.

> I'd recommend just making yourself pick up a project, and run with it. Try not to over think it, and if you start to feel paralyzed, just say "fuck it, I'll do it the first, shittiest way that comes to mind."

I tried that. When I got stuck (fairly early on), I ended up switching my project from Haskell to Clojure :/

Try doing everything in IO, passing stuff around by hand and ignoring all that abstraction.

You will immediately spot some places where a monad will help you. Where that happens, use the monad, elsewhere, keep it simple. With time you will regret some of that simple code, when that happens, change it (Haskell's best use case is on refactoring). With even more time you'll get a taste for where it's good to go complex from the start.

> I still can't fathom how to do anything real with it

That's incredibly easy, of your list of "problems to attack and programs to write some time soon" pick any one and get busy. It'll feel real-world very soon and there's no better way to grasp "real-world Haskell". The first iteration will be ugly, but on the plus side you'll notice that yourself and that's quite some progress already. Keep at it a bit more and perceived "decent post-newb proficiency" is within reach. Well-rounded mature libraries for "real-world periphery" (DBs, json/yaml/html/xml/all that jazz) abound, too.

What I find much more annoying is the lack of freelance projects. It's literally the language of academics, hobbyists, weekenders, late-nighters, githubbers. (Certainly also suitable for bootstrappers imho in a "Viaweb-Lisp-advantage" kinda way) If you want to avoid full-time employ, you're gonna have to keep doing .net/java/golang/node and such projects. Haskell code-bases I feel are private well-guarded silos within academia and a number of corps, no wider "projects ecosystem" to speak of.

> The big problem I've had with Haskell is that even after gaining a pretty good understanding of the language (including monads and such) I still can't fathom how to do anything real with it

I agree with you but the book has chapters where you write a URL shortener and the final project is an implementation of the `finger` Unix command. For me, the book was a stepping stone towards materials like Write You a Scheme (Scheme interpreter in Haskell).

I will admit though, I read Haskell Book for the ideas and learning typed functional programming. I wasn't planning on using Haskell everyday for projects.

I second this. Learning less popular languages, you drive off a cliff when you get to the intermediate stage. I wasted a lot of time because I didn't which language extensions (developed over last the 20 years but never added to the base language) and modules are generally seen as essential. Books and web tutorials didn't talk much about them, but the real world was different. I was like I was thrown out the tutorial-door into a wide world of questionable documentation and implicit knowledge known only by wizards in IRC, if ye dare idle to find 'em.

If you use a good "IDE" setup, it'll tell you what extensions you should enable for some code to compile. Intero (on Emacs) allows you to hit C-c C-r to insert the relevant incantation at the top of the file.

About what extensions people consider kosher, Stephen Diehl's "What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell" has a great list that sorts them into "common", "uhh", and "you obviously know what you're doing".

Surely just do what ever you'd try to do with another language but just use Haskell instead.

Depends on how complex you want to do things. You can just use yesod [0] to create a web app and compare it to an existing one you'd written.

An interesting use of Haskell is with concurrency [1], so anything along those lines should give you something pretty awesome.

[0]: http://www.yesodweb.com/

[1]: http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1230000000929/index.ht...

Fwiw I have been writing production Haskell for years, am comfortable with Category Theory etc, and most of my code is still in "records and pure functions (that act on records)" style.

You don't have to use the most esoteric constructs the language offers, or get into the weeds of how lenses work (just a random example of a seemingly 'esoteric' library) or language extensions to write code that does something useful.

That said, a project centred Haskell book would be nice to have.

Bonsoir, allow me to introduce Servant.


Servant allows you to write a type that describes a server/API, and automatically derives a specification for it. You can then write handlers for the different API endpoints, and it will only compile if every endpoint is correctly handled. That includes content types, status codes, and so on, everything is verified, and things are often derived for you. All (de)serialization to/from JSON is automatic (although you can write your own instances if you want your JSON to look a certain way).

For example, from the Servant docs:

    type API = "position"  :> Capture "x" Int :> Capture "y" Int :> Get  '[JSON] Position
          :<|> "hello"     :> QueryParam "name" String           :> Get  '[JSON] HelloMessage
          :<|> "marketing" :> ReqBody '[JSON] ClientInfo         :> Post '[JSON] Email
This is equivalent to an API that defines these three endpoints:

    GET  /position/:x/:y/      returns a Position object as JSON
    GET  /hello?name=whatever  returns a HelloMessage object as JSON
    POST /marketing            given a JSON request that represents a ClientInfo object,
                               returns an Email object as JSON
but the spec is code: code that the compiler can check for you!

You can then write functions of the following types

    handlePosition  :: Int -> Int   -> Handler Position
    handleHello     :: Maybe String -> Handler HelloMessage
    handleMarketing :: ClientInfo   -> Handler Email
where "Handler thing" effectively means that you can do something like write to a log or throw an exception while you return the thing. This will typecheck, and you have a server that must do what it says on the "tin", the tin being the API type above.

If you add a new API endpoint, and forget to write a Handler for it, you'll get to know. If you change the Position type to work with x, y, and z coordinates but forget to update your handlers, you'll get to know. If you'd like to also allow clients to request HTML instead for some endpoint, just change the '[JSON] to '[JSON,HTML]. The Haskell typesystem will make sure that someone requesting a text/html Content-Type doesn't get hit with a 500 or something.

Note the Maybe String there: if you wrote a handler for the /hello endpoint that had the type String -> Handler HelloMessage, Servant would complain: you're expecting a query parameter, which the client doesn't have to provide. This is in stark contrast to, say, the "NoneType has no attribute whatever" problems that one risks having to face with Django: if it compiles, it meets the spec.

Of course, static typing won't prevent you from responding to /hello with Lovecraft quotes.


> I start getting lost in layers of monad transformers

Handler is actually a monad transformer, and it's a great first one: it's essentially[0]

  type Handler a = ExceptT ServantErr (ReaderT Config IO) a
if memory serves, which means that a "Handler a" is a computation that can

  * throw a ServantErr
  * read values from a Config object
  * perform IO actions (read files, make other network requests, log things, "fire missiles")
when run, returning a value of type a. Anecdotally, monad transformers never clicked for me until I started muddling through actually using them in code like this.

After a couple of months, you realise it's not too wrong to say you understand how to use them, and you slowly begin to be able to rely on the type system for support. Libraries like Servant are a great example of how this can really, really help. I stopped to think last week how similar it is to pair-programming with a really intelligent but sometimes obtuse friend who likes pointing out how "this doesn't follow from your assumptions", all the way from

> "Wait, but you can't add two books together."


> "What if someone PUTs to /login?"

which is what we had above, to

> "And what happens if I try to withdraw all my money exactly when the payment I've made to you is getting executed?"

(in this case, you discover the wonders of software transactional memory[1]). A better typesystem allows you to let the compiler handle more of the busywork that you'd originally have written tests or comments for.

It is sometimes confusing starting out (when one discovers that 3 isn't an Int, but a "Num a => a", for instance), but it gets better. Once you get past the Project Euler/"look ma, infinite lists!" stuff, "real" Haskell does have a tendency to make people underestimate how much they really know, but as I've discovered, taking the plunge reveals that one has progressed much farther than one thinks.

Also, #haskell on Freenode is one of the friendliest places I've encountered on the internet[0].

[0]: http://haskell-servant.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial/Ser...

[1]: https://www.schoolofhaskell.com/school/advanced-haskell/beau...

[2]: Here's a hilarious example (NSFW language warning): https://gist.github.com/quchen/5280339


Other stuff:

Corrode is a C-to-Rust converter written in literate Haskell (as in, it's like a blog post that you can compile and run, to give a slightly strained analogy).


webshit weekly actually "quoted" a previous HN comment of mine about it, in which I was falsely slandered: I'm not a Rust evangelist!

I wrote a small "script" to make tmux status bars a while back that was a good example of how fun "scripting"-style thing can be in Haskell.


And there's always XMonad!

Looks fantastic. But let me ask for more :-)

> This is equivalent to an API that defines these three endpoints:

It would be cool to use the text that follows this as the spec; i.e. write a converter from this description to Haskell.

> GET /position/:x/:y/ returns a Position object as JSON

I'm itching to write a bash script for this now.

Or, you know, a quasiquoter (which is sort of like a Haskell macro thing, although Template Haskell is closer to that).

I wrote a 3D mesh reconstruction algorithm using feature point extraction in Haskell. The hardest part was graph algorithms since those can be pretty tricky to express in functional languages. But Even with 3D output to OpenGL, image loading and manipulation, etc.. I never touched a monad transformer. I think you are trying too hard. Just embrace IO for the effects and move everything else to pure code.

I got some insight into what's great about Haskell by reading James Clark's "An algorithm for RELAX NG validation":


This document describes an algorithm for validating an XML document against a RELAX NG schema. This algorithm is based on the idea of what's called a derivative (sometimes called a residual). It is not the only possible algorithm for RELAX NG validation. This document does not describe any algorithms for transforming a RELAX NG schema into simplified form, nor for determining whether a RELAX NG schema is correct.

We use Haskell to describe the algorithm. Do not worry if you don't know Haskell; we use only a tiny subset which should be easily understandable.

Write Yourself A Scheme[0]? It's a fairly big project for a tutorial so it might be a good next stage for you.

[0]: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Write_Yourself_a_Scheme_in_48_...

Thanks for the hint! I'll give that a try over the summer. This time for sure(tm)! ;-)

will this book be getting a paper release? i don't mind a pdf book, but at $59, i'd like a paper copy. just wondering if anybody knew.

Yes, but ask the author (@bitemyapp everywhere) about when.

That was similar to my thinking. I chuckled a bit when I saw so much of what I think folks would consider corporate tool-sets like VBA being used in the day compared to like Haskell (that I've never seen in the professional world but know several people that hack around in it) being written at night. Kind of a fun chart.

I'm torn between laughing and crying; having used VBA extensively in the past.

I've used VBA for stupid things like Excel based apps (not stupid at the time, but in hindsight there was a better way) and stupid things like HMI software with VBA hooks (GE Fanuc Cimplicity, in case you were wondering).

The biggest player using Haskell would be Google.

I'm pretty sure the biggest player using Haskell is Microsoft, which develops and maintains Haskell in the first place...

I don't think that's accurate. Microsoft has a role in the development and maintenance of Haskell because they currently employ Simon P. Jones, one of the big driving forces behind Haskell, as a researcher.

However, new versions of Haskell (the language) are created by temporary committees (which are not composed by Microsoft).

GHC (the main implementation) is an open source project with developers from different organizations. According to this page (https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/TeamGHC), SPJ is the only one employed by Microsoft. He is one of the core contributors and he owns a large part of the code base, but not to such an extent that GHC can be called a Microsoft project even if Microsoft would want that. Haskell is not a MS product, it has been under development since well before SPJ was employed by MS.

Finally, I'm not aware of MS funding the project beyond paying SPJ's wage.

I though MS was pushing towards F#. Is there any indication they plan to focus more on one or the other?

They're not focusing on Haskell commercially, but in Microsoft Research where they employ some of the main Haskell devs. A lot of their research has gone into F#, C# and .NET libraries (like LINQ).

There have been a bunch of 20% projects; but only recently have they started any full-time Haskell work, as far as I know.

One of the biggest(.) Google projects with Haskell is probably Ganeti ( https://github.com/ganeti/ganeti ), which is a mix of python and Haskell and has been around since 2008ish (although Haskell was introduced later, iirc).

We recently moved our main development to github so the repo seems a bit empty, we're certainly happy to get more contributors if you are interested, as the community is fairly small and specialized. Everyone is welcome.

Source: I'm one of the current main developers of the project.

(.) Note: I actually have no idea if it's the 'biggest'.

I helped out a bit with the BCL pretty-printer in my day. (Mostly contributed in-depth code reviews.)

Is Ganeti related to Ganpati? Sorry, it's been a bit since I left Google. Memory is fading.

Not at all, only the name is very similar :)

I just learned that we have a GUTS at my new employer, Bloomberg, too. But it has nothing to do with asking for a monorail between the Sydney offices.

There are only so many words. And many of them similar.

Lol at stating a fact and then citing thst you have no idea. Haha

Lol at the citation being the emoji of an anus, where he likely pulled the factoid from.

Microsoft and Facebook are also using Haskell in production.

A huge chunk of the site integrity bits (e.g. general spam prevention and application of this technology to other problem spaces like instant messages, etc.) for Facebook are done in Haskell and if you know Haskell and fancy working in London I am fairly certain that team is always on the lookout for new people.

And also happen to employ Simon Peyton Jones and Simon Marlow, respectively, two of the originators of the GHC project.

Yes, please note that BigTechCo using something in production is not an endorsement that it's production-ready. Ironically, more often than not, it means the opposite. BigTechCo employs the best computer scientists in the world to make all of that stuff work together, frequently including the project's founders/BDFLs so they can get whatever changes they need rammed through. Your company does not have this luxury.

It is definitely an endorsement that it is ready, although maybe not we-search-code-monkeys ready.

A large part of our jobs is figuring things out.

People looking for so-called production-grade tech are usually looking for ready-for-managers tech in my experience.

I'm pretty sure Simon Peyton Jones is still at Microsoft Research.

I know about FB (Haxl, spam filtering etc) but what exactly is MS using Haskell "in production" for?

I used to feel that way. I tried reading the various tutorial-style learning materials online, such as Learn You a Haskell, but they didn’t really help me learn how to use the language. In the end, I just dove in and started trying to build real software with it, asking questions when I got stuck. Even though there was a lot to learn, it turned out to be pretty easy.

Nowadays Haskell is my #1 programming language for hobby projects—at least when GC is acceptable. And often when I’m trying to design some code in another language, I’ll prototype it in Haskell first to get more clarity of thought and faster iteration.

You've got more chance of writing the novel.

Hehe, those have both been on my to-do-one-day-this-time-for-sure-list for quite a while.

I remember Lisp having a fixed place on that list (pun intended?) for a number of years, copious amount of caffeine, weed, and patience eventually allowed me to grok it. Haskell has been more stubborn in that regard. I get the functional part just fine, but the part where you get side effects and I/O and such confuses me to no end. Maybe I should just give up on Haskell finally and try OCaml, which seems to offer many of the same benefits.

Yes. So far Learn You a Haskell for Great Good has translated to "learn a little Haskell to kill some free time".

Except in his 5th chart (the animated one), all the enterprise technologies and Haskell all pulsed up in the morning and afternoon local time, while Haskell was the only one to also pulse up in the evening. In fact, Haskell's evening pulse was smaller than its daytime pulse.

It's easy to miss the explanation there. Everything tops in the working hours, the article is about the relative size of those tops.

I can see a whole new line of O'Reilly books: "Haskell at Midnight"

I wouldn't say category here, to be precise it's the same cofunctor over the initial algebra.

>My final (and favorite) observation is that developers in Paris take the longest and most consistent lunch breaks. Well, if I lived in Paris, I would too.

A contributing factor might be that a lot of French companies include meal vouchers in their benefits. Generally employees are given the choice to deduce some amount from their payroll and get nearly double that amount in meal vouchers, because the vouchers are government-supported including a tax concession. You can use these at most restaurants in Paris.

You can, of course, use the vouchers to grab a sandwich anywhere and eat it in front of your code, but overall it encourages actual restaurant breaks, since you basically have more money specifically to spend on your lunch.

The fact that you work in one of the most beautiful & well-designed cities for walking around or eating outside doesn't hurt either!

There's also a much more relaxed work culture. I'd say that's probably number 1.

Also more money for food usually means more wine usually means more time before return to work

The voucher do not cover alcoholic beverages [1]. That and the difficulty to code after drinking do that peoples generally do not drink during lunch. But yes, Frenchs take their time for lunch :)

[1] http://www.edenred.co.in/Our-Offerings/Work-life-Benefits/Ti...

Otherwise written as "what programming languages are being asked about late at night."

To me, who rarely pulls up SO, correlating SO questions and page views with usage is a bit biased.

Whoah! The big news for me is that there is a programmer who rarely uses SO.

I use it constantly. Can you say more about:

1. What your programming set up is.

2. What you do when there is an issue?

I didn't know there was a reasonable alternative. I do the Google -> SO a lot. The only time Google brings up a different page is if the question is REALLY basic like how to use a function.

Edit: added this postscript:

I have found a lot less need to look up things like "are there optional parameters in .len()?" because the IDE helps with that.

I need to look up strange errors that I don't understand. (Like when you install a new library and your code breaks). Those are almost never in the official documentation because they didn't plan for it.

I also don't use SO that much, I never have. Maybe I google a few things once in a while and sometimes I stumble upon a StackOverflow page, but never to actually solve errors. It's usually to get a bit more insight out of curiosity.

Professionally, I work at Google and internally we have an extensive corpus of knowledge for various problems and programming patterns that really are tied to in-house technologies that don't really exist outside of the company. That's mostly the #1 reason why I almost never stumble upon SO.

> 1. What your programming set up is.

I code in Python, Bash, Haskell and sometimes Go. Plus a couple of internal languages that aren't really interesting (mostly config languages). I write code with vim and manage my project with tmux sessions.

> 2. What you do when there is an issue?

I look at the logs, look at the code, I look internally for any resources we might have, I spend some time trying to figure out what is going on and usually that takes care of 90% of the problems. If that is not the case, then depending on the type of problem (is it an internal library? is it something externally available?) I either ask on the internal IRC for specific teams in charge of that platform, or I go to the external internet in search for help. Most of the time, if that is the case, the situation is so specific that I can't really find an relevant answer on SO so I more often than not just end up in a #freenode channel for that library/language and directly ask questions to the interested people.

> I look at the logs, look at the code...

This bears repeating.

READ \clap\ THE \clap\ FUCK- \clap\ -ING \clap\ LOGS.

READ \clap\ THE \clap\ FUCK- \clap\ -ING \clap\ CODE.

I'm amazed at the devs who just scroll up in the logs to the first error they see, then copy-paste that into google or SO.

I don't know if it's the team I work with or a problem in general, but a lot of my time these days I spend on getting annoyed with developers who just keep reporting "it's not working". Hardly any effort in looking at logs/stacktraces and then mapping it back to the code - all of which they have access to. When asked for more details about the issue, I almost always get answers like "here's the place where we have the log files, can you look into it and tell me what's wrong".

It gets worse. I've known developers who will report merely that 'website blah is down'. They don't look at the logs and they don't tell me the actual error message that the browser receives.

If the error is clear then sure, look at the code. Many people seem to be bad at writing user friendly error messages though, requiring a search for what the message even means.

1) Python, Bash, and Go in a mix of Vim, Sublime text, and PyCharm.

2) Look at the docs (of which I always keep a local copy), and the source code (of which I try and keep a local copy).

I want to understand not only how to solve the problem at hand, but what caused the problem. Not understanding the cause of the problem will lead to a solution which will only sometimes work, because it misses some other leak in the abstraction.

I believe that a big reason why I work this way is that I started programming when the internet was still in its infancy, and the official documentation and my coworkers was pretty much all I had to work from.

Now then, this isn't always possible, but when I can't figure it out (and my own coworkers can't figure it out - they're my second resource), I find that the SO answers are some combination of wrong, under-documented, out of date, or just have questions with no answers.

As much as I prefer to continue with 2, I do appreciate Google and its ilk when I come upon some really sticky problems - but it only really occurs a few times a quarter.


> are there optional parameters in .len()?

Official docs will answer this very quickly, no IDE required. Of course, having an IDE can be quite useful.

For Python - Standard Library - Built In - length()

For Javascript - MDN -> Standard Objects - Array - Array.length

And so forth.

Agreed with this 100%, reading the source code of well documented libraries is highly valuable. I feel that personally it helps be better understand the internals and what I can leverage. The documentation in Spring's source is really great, along with their reference docs online.

I've had similar experiences with SO being out of date or kind of poor - when I run across those I have been trying to add a newer answer (I do a lot of Spring so I run across this a lot).

Not the person you were replying to, but...

I don't use SO much, either. My professional work (presently) consists of two things:

1. Writing web services (can't go into much more detail)

2. Developing (what will soon be released as) an open source framework for service orchestration (also can't go into much more detail)

This is all written in Go.

Technologies used: MongoDB, Kafka, gRPC, REST/HTTP

I'm familiar enough with the semantics/specification of the above tech, so most of the unknowns boil down to (occasional) lack of familiarity with the libs used. In that case, I'll occasionally read the documentation; more often I'll read the generated godocs; and most often I'll just grep/peruse through the code for a couple minutes, and then I'm set for the next couple weeks.

Granted, I have used SO more in the past. In those cases, it was because of stuff like futzing around with Grunt/Gulp in a JS project, or dealing with APIs trying to be too cute via metaprogramming (Ruby, I'm looking at you), etc. It calls to mind a quote[1] that resonates quite well with me:

"One reason people's skills plateau is because they try to master simplifying extrinsic complexity, and not intrinsic complexity."

[1]: https://twitter.com/shajra/status/746334265051226119

1. SSH to server and vim.

2. I program in Perl primarily, and have been for over 15 years. There's not a lot language wise that I need to look up. When I forget the specifics of a particular built-in, I can easily look it up in perldoc. If it's a problem with a module, I can use perldoc on the system or use metacpan.org for a better representation with all the bells and whistles. CPAN modules generally have excellent documentation. If I run into a problem, I google it, and sometimes that leads to SO, sometimes not. Sometimes I google knowing that I'll find the same SO entry I have every year for the last few years for that snippet I can't ever seem to remember.

I think the sweet spot for SO helping you is often when you are learning a new language. As you become more proficient, the majority of the questions will likely be things you could answer, not ask.

Concur. I don't code as much as I used to, but knowing rather much about perl as a language, the gaps in have I either jog my memory from perldoc/metacpan or it's genuinely fiendish enough that I dive right into the perl source code (in the sense of perl.c). Neither of those is helped much by Google or SO answers.

When I was picking up another language a few weeks ago, however, I constantly ended up on SO with little weird questions. It feels like one of the big hurdles to get over with a new language and tool set is to learn to ask the right questions the right way such that you can actually find the answers in the reference efficiently. SO works as a nice bridge because threads are started (and searchable) by the questions of real newcomers like oneself as opposed to bring written by the experienced who optimize for strict(er) correctness and succinctness.

I also almost never get on SO anymore, but I used to all the time. For me, SO was really great when I was a beginner (< 5-ish years professional software work), or using very new, rapidly changing tools where community Q&A is vital to helping solve That Big Problem.

After enough pain, I've decided that stability is probably the most important feature of a tool. Clojure, ClojureScript, MySQL, and Mongo fit that bill perfectly for me. When looking at libraries and APIs, I try to get a gut-sense of how stable they are, and I never upgrade if my only reason for upgrading is there's a new version number out there. Also, I make a lot of sub-projects, so that any breaking-change upgrades I need to make for legitimate business reasons are isolated to one .jar.

I'm also an Ubuntu -> Mac convert for the same reason. My time is just too valuable these days to lose money on tooling, and that keeps me off SO. :-)

Please don't take this as "SO is bad" -- I think it's really great, and have answered several questions there, voted in elections, etc.. But these days, experience and stability in tooling have the side-effect of not much SO time.

Really depends on what your work is. In the Python world, good docs are a real priority for many libraries which often answer the common questions. I probably read a relevant SO answer to a problem I'm working on 1 or 2 days a week now but when I first started programming it was much more.

> 2. What you do when there is an issue?

This is fascinating to me. What kind of issues are you finding solutions to on SO? The only times I ever find myself using the programming SO are if I'm learning a new language or looking up algorithm ideas for a problem.

If there's a linking error or something, the solution (if it exists) is usually on a mailing list, not SO. This may come down to differences in tool selection.

Re. question 1 I mostly use Haskell, Python, and C(++).

Not the GP, but I don't use SO much. Maybe two or three times a year.

For why?

SO tends to be problem solving around programming patterns or unclear errors.

In the languages I have the most experience in, I don't need either. I can usually just reason out a solution to any problem that crops up. I know how to debug, and reduce problems "fluently" in those languages.

Most problems get solved in the time it takes to make a cup of coffee.

Secondly, if you're looking at patterns, like "do x in y", then for new patterns, RosettaCode tends to give you all you need, but if it's a somewhat familiar pattern, it shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes with no guides.

But, truth in it all, SO just isn't that useful for the problems I come up against.

Recent example: Is a Associated List or UNORDERED_map more memory effecient under GCC?

I very rarely use stackoverflow as well. Last time was probably week ago when googling something bash related. AMA

Well, let me ask you the same questions:

1. What is your development environment?

2. What you do when there is an issue?

I'm not the parent, but here's what I'd do (and, indeed, have done):

Read the manual: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bash.html

Just sit down one weekend, and read it from beginning to end. The information contained therein is just about exhaustive.

Assuming you touch bash scripts daily (as I do), there's really little excuse for not mastering the language. Referring to SO every time you stumble into an issue is inefficient compared to the one time cost of actually developing working knowledge of the subject at hand, and it also limits you to the canned solutions that a bunch of random people on the internet have proposed. I'd bet my money on you being more capable than a random stranger -- assuming you've read up first.

When I was at an earlier stage in my career, I'd hit up SO every time I ran into an issue. And then I had the realization that I could just read up on:

* The spec for your language(s)

* The source code for the compiler and/or VMs that power your language(s)

* The manual for the software you use

* The RFCs that apply to you

* Both the public API and the internal source code of the libraries you use

* Etc

I did something similar at the start of my admin/programming career.

1. Read the entire UNIX manual (wasn't that big at the time) 2. Read Rochkind "Advanced UNIX Programming" 3. Read K&R "The C Programming Language" 4. Read K&P "The UNIX Programming Environment"

sometime later I also read (parts of) Stevens UNIX Networking.

I'd say these made a very strong base from which to learning everything else.

Amen. Writing a bash script? Branch off a separate terminal and type `man bash`.

I have a big distaste for bash, and am happy to copy paste anything similar from stackoverflow. Shame on me though!

My biggest concern with this is that there are a lot of really terrible bash script writers out there on the internet, and the quality of code between two different answers will vary wildly.

I'm not going to claim to be a great bash script writer, but I'm better than 80% of what I see out there. Throwing together random fragments is going to cause nearly as many problems as it's meant to solve.

This is very true, and it has happened to me. Luckily I dont write anything critical in bash, there are usually better suited people for that. I am just a big crybaby without compiler :(

Out of curiosity, what do you currently dislike about the shell, if anything?

I'm not setting up a "you hate the shell" statement here - hashing out gripes and dislikes can sometimes be a great way to jump straight into the middle of an iterative positive feedback loop of learning.

(Or at least I think so, anyway. I think that if I did that myself it would identify the (sometimes not intuitive) blocks and glitches I have with things more quickly than I figure them out in the end.)

Oh, also - note that there is a lot I outright hate about the shell myself, but which is due to its, shall way say, overly organic development over the last ~20 years.

I think it's mostly that I need to write it so little, that I never get to become proficient "enough" with it. There is little motivation to invest hours to learn it properly, because a) I get to write bash scripts so little that b) I would forgot half by next time I use it.

I think I'm basically stuck on the worst part of learning curve. Btw I use console for pretty much everything from git shell to vim. But when I have to run-in-parallel/fork two processes, pipe X from some to third one that has to repeatedly do curls to some service and check http response, there are 10 things I need to google, starting from: -how to fork process, how to pipe process, how to IF in bash, how do LOOP in bash, etc. Worst thing is, I've googled this 10 times before, but never remember the syntax etc.

I see. Okay, well, here's how I'd respond to what you've said.

The fact that you're already in the console puts you in a pretty good position: now you just need to stay there whenever you perform complex tasks. I have very few bash scripts myself (the little code I actually have saved is scattered everywhere; most of my scripts are on some disks that are offline at the moment). Rather, I primarily use the shell as an interactive way to let me hop to wherever it is I need to go as a sequence of steps.

Ultimately using Haskell (or Scala) will also definitely get the job done, but with that you have to create a file, hammer the code out (and write whatever boilerplate for forking and execing and piping), then save it and run it. With bash you just type something and hit enter. See what happens, hit the up arrow, edit, repeat. So it's a standard REPL, but this REPL can launch and pipe and fork in much less characters than other languages can.

I'm very curious about the use-case you loosely described. There are a few ways I could interpret what you said; depending on which you mean, what you describe might genuinely not be easy in bash.

If you need to fork two processes and merge their output, that is definitely not easy to do in any shell, AFAIK - you can do (proc1 & proc2) and hope for the best, but output might get mis-buffered and partial lines from one process might get merged with partial lines from other (eg, read(4096) from one might get "hello world" and read(4096) from the other might get "...blah\nblah\nbl" and then you could end up with "blah\nblah\nblhello world" - I've seen this happen once when two processes fight for priority on a terminal). AFAIK this is "not supposed to" occur :) but doing your own line buffering (ie, making a program, like you're already doing) would be critical if you needed this kind of merging.

If you're just doing simple things like running a program that outputs a list of URLs, doing some simple testing on that list, and then doing something else based on the results, that's quite easy.

Here's a highly-contrived script that

- gets a series of URLs

- directly pings all HTTPS URLs via curl and collects the output in output1.txt

- pings all HTTP URLs against https://example.com and collects the output in output2.txt

- parses the contents of output1.txt as a series of comma-delimited lines, then looks for lines that contain "URL" after the 2rd comma, and looks for a URL on the next immediate line after the 1st comma

- only fetches URLs matching the above specification that are HTTPS, chops up the URL from https://example.com/path1/path2.ext to https://example.com/path2.ext, and runs wget on the result

- runs 50 copies of wget in parallel (xargs will start new wgets as old ones finish) on the contents of output2.txt (warning: this will result in a thoroughly messed up terminal if you ever do this, but it works great!)

  program_that_outputs_urls | sed -n ',^https://,{p;b1}w/dev/stderr;:1' \
    2>(while IFS=$'\n' read x; do curl -s "https://example.com/?url=$x" \
       || echo "$x fail"; done > output2.txt
    ) | while read x; do curl -s "$x" || echo "$x fail 1"
  done > output1.txt
  while IFS=$',' read -a x < output1.txt; do
    [[ "${x[0]}" =~ fail\ 1$ ]] && continue
    ((u==1)) && [[ "${x[1]}" =~ ^(https:\/\/[^\/]+\/)[^\/]+\/([^$]+) ]] && {
      wget "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}${BASH_REMATCH[2]}"
    [[ "${x[2]}" =~ ^URL ]] && u=1
  xargs -P50 -n1 -I{} wget "{}" < <(grep -v fail$ output2.txt)
Some notes:

- the sed command first grabs HTTPS URLs (,^https://,{...}), prints them directly (p) then jumps to :1 at the end (b1); if the {} block doesn't fire that means the ,https://, match didn't work, so that means the (w/dev/stderr) runs, which does what you think (GNU sed accelerates writes to /dev/stderr; on other UNIXes that path - or /proc/self/fd/2 - needs to exist for this to work)

- 2>( .......... ) is a bash subshell thingy that spits all of stderr (fd 2) into a subshell (this is also great for "command | ... do; ... x=1; done" situations - you'll lose your "x=1" association from the other side of the pipe. Doing "while ... do; x=1; done <(command)" keeps your "x=1" accessible!

- < <(...) is a way to redirect output from a subshell into the input of another process, similar to the reverse pipe explained above.

- The "2>(...) | while ... done" structure is simply the way I've expressed pushing stderr into the subshell, while pushing stdout into a pipe.

- "while IFS=$',' read" is the way you get `read` to use a different internal field separator. As an aside, I often use "IFS=$'\n' x=($(ls -1))" as a way to fix the "everything in the array is one of the words in the line" problem, as well as similar "unfixable" issues when bash is parsing input with tabs and spaces in it, or when you're using "read -a" to split things into arrays.

- The "if (u == 1) ... done; if (this_is_a_url) u=1" is a standard structure you've probably used elsewhere that implements the "look for URLs on the next line" behavior.

- Nobody's checked the git access logs, but I'm personally pretty sure bash's regex functionality was checked in from a cave full of dragons :) - besides the \/\"\/ picket-fence issues it often has its own ideas about matches. You cannot single- or double-quote strings; your quote will be considered part of the regex (:D :D). On bad days just pipe everything through "awk '/^https:\/\//{ print $1 $2 $3 ...; }'" or similar (yes that command needs editing but you get the idea).

If you want to explain the use-case you described in more detail, I could probably take a crack at figuring it out. I kind of went off on a very random tangent here, but it was fun.

Well it's 51 minutes later, and I got to the third bullet point :D

EDIT: I tried to focus on readability here. Things could be quite a bit more concise but that requires firmer grasp of interactions between >>=, <$>, and point-free functions.

Here's what I have so far:

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    module Main where
    import Prelude hiding (appendFile)
    import Data.Monoid ((<>))
    import Network.Wreq
    import Control.Lens
    import Control.Concurrent.Async
    import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString, appendFile)
    main = do
      urls <- promptUserURLs
      responses <- mapConcurrently get urls
      let responseBodys = fmap (view responseBody) responses
          responseInfos  = fmap (\(url,body) -> (take 5 url, body)) (zip urls responseBodys)
          httpUrls = filter (\(url,_) -> url == "http:") responseInfos
          httpsUrls = filter (\(url,_) -> url == "https") responseInfos
      mapM_ (appendFile "output1.txt") httpUrls
      exampleSiteResponses <- mapConcurrently get httpUrls
      let exampleSiteResponses' = fmap (view responseBody) exampleSiteResponses
      mapM_ (appendFile "output2.txt") exampleSiteResponses

    promptUserURLs :: IO [String]
    promptUserURLs = go []
      where go :: [String] -> IO [String]
            go urls = do
              line <- getLine
              if line == ("q" :: String)
                then return urls
                else go (urls <> [line]) -- lol, this is a very bad way to snoc

Eh, I had a mistake.

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    module Main where
    import Prelude hiding (appendFile)
    import Data.Monoid ((<>))
    import Network.Wreq
    import Control.Lens
    import Control.Concurrent.Async
    import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString, appendFile)
    main = do
      urls <- promptUserURLs
      responses <- mapConcurrently get urls
      let responseBodys = fmap (view responseBody) responses
          responseInfos  = fmap (\(url,body) -> (take 5 url, body)) (zip urls responseBodys)
          httpUrls = fmap fst (filter (\(url,_) -> url == "http:") responseInfos)
          httpsResponses = fmap snd (filter (\(url,_) -> url == "https") responseInfos)
      mapM_ (appendFile "output1.txt") httpsResponses
      exampleSiteResponses <- mapConcurrently get httpUrls
      let exampleSiteResponses' = fmap (view responseBody) (exampleSiteResponses)
      mapM_ (appendFile "output2.txt") exampleSiteResponses'
    promptUserURLs :: IO [String]
    promptUserURLs = go []
      where go :: [String] -> IO [String]
            go urls = do
              line <- getLine
              if line == ("q" :: String)
                then return urls
                else go (urls <> [line]) -- lol, this is a very bad way to snoc

Huh. So Haskell is the language of the missing apostrophe instead of the missing semicolon. (In all fairness, so is Lisp, but it puts the apostrophes on the other side.)

I'm curious about "(zip urls response" though. Does that extend to the "responseInfos)" on the next line, or am I reading it wrong?

(I noticed the "fmap fst" and "fmap snd".)

Wonders where to start to figure out how this works

Yep, I've missed apostrophe's quite a few times. It's was a common cause of infinite loops for me in the past, but I suppose I've trained myself to spot them more quickly.

Perhaps zip can be more simply explained by a simple example:

    out: zip ["a","b","c"] [0,1,2]
    out: [("a",0),("b",1),("c",2)]

    out: fmap fst [(0,1),(2,3),(4,5)]
    out: [0,2,4]

    out: fmap snd [(0,1),(2,3),(4,5)]
    out: [1,3,5]

Ohhhhh. zip is cool! And I wondered whether "fst" was "first" and "snd" was "second"... is there a "trd" and "fth"?

Also - is [] a list (or mixed type) and () an array (or same-item type)?

Hopefully the ticked version is a different type than the unticked version and would be caught by the typechecker. Failing that, hopefully the ticked version is now unused and will be caught by the linter. But yeah, this is definitely a thing that can happen.

If you're doing a lot of successive transformations of data of the same type, putting it in State will prevent you from messing up the ordering (or needing to come up with fresh names).

And surprisingly, I can actually follow it. (I have that thing where people say "yeah I can read this but don't expect me to write it" right now though...)

This is very interesting. Does Haskell not have reasonably easy-to-use EOF indication?

I'm reasonably impressed this is as short as it is; being able to shove everything into maps (and get concurrency for free) is nice.

I can understand why Haskell is less widely used though; this is... OH, "take 5" is substring, that's why you did "http:" and "https"!

...I was going to say "hard". :P

Thanks for taking the time to write this!!

I made a more compact version closer to what I might write in a hurry.

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    module Main where
    import Prelude hiding (appendFile)
    import Data.Monoid ((<>))
    import Network.Wreq
    import Control.Lens
    import Control.Concurrent.Async
    import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString, appendFile)
    import Data.List
    main = do
      urls <- promptUserURLs
      responses <- mapConcurrently get urls
      let (httpInfo, httpsInfo) = partition ((== "http:") . fst) (zip urls responses)
      mapM_ (appendFile "output1.txt" . view responseBody . snd) httpsInfo
      mapConcurrently (get . fst) httpInfo >>= mapM_ (appendFile "output2.txt" . view responseBody)
    promptUserURLs :: IO [String]
    promptUserURLs = go []
      where go :: [String] -> IO [String]
            go urls = do
              line <- getLine
              if line == ("q" :: String)
                then return urls
                else go (urls <> [line]) -- lol, this is a very bad way to snoc

NOTE: To make this faster I create a custom Library that re-exports these common pieces. So for me I'd erase those 7 lines of imports and trade them for one. It also has something like promptUserURLs already there. So in that case it looks like:

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    module Main where
    import QuickScriptLibrary
    main = do
      urls <- promptUserURLs
      responses <- mapConcurrently get urls
      let (httpInfo, httpsInfo) = partition ((== "http:") . fst) (zip urls responses)
      mapM_ (appendFile "output1.txt" . view responseBody . snd) httpsInfo
      mapConcurrently (get . fst) httpInfo >>= mapM_ (appendFile "output2.txt" . view responseBody)

Wow. Interesting. This is really cool, being able to learn like this :3

I must admit I have so many questions, like what the dot does, what fst and snd and >>= and OverloadedStrings and zip do... :)

Oh, and what "snoc" means.

OverloadedStrings is an extension that basically puts `fromString` in front of every string literal. This means that instead of having type `String`, string literals have type `IsString a => a` (meaning "for anything that implements `IsString`, this could be a that"). It's used here so that `"http:"` can be used as a `ByteString` without cluttering the code up with an explicit `fromString`.

cons = prepend snoc = append fst = first item of tuple snd = second item of tuple

>>= is monadic bind... I won't try to explain it here. It's somewhat similiar to flatmap in Scala which has some easy explanations.

zip, I just remembered I explained already.

Ooooh. Thanks. :)

I definitely have no excuse, I need to go find a decent Haskell reference-tutorial-manual. Know of any good ones for people with no former experience with functional programming (and ADHD :P)? I'm aware of Learn You a Haskell, just wondered what your experiences were.

I only have about 20 extra minutes, but I'll see if I can give a Haskell version for comparison.

Oh, okay! Cool!!

I've had Haskell on my todo list for a little while actually.

hey, thanks for response. Even though that example was just something I made up, your post helped me in learning.

Oh, okay. And no problem :) I'm very happy to hear that I helped a bit ^^

(Bash won't solve every problem (particularly tooling and things that might evolve over time; see also GNU autoconf :D), but it is awesome when it can be used to speed interactive tasks up.)

Ubuntu. IntelliJ +Scala plugin. I write Scala 90% of the time. 99% of the time, before I call any function, I jump "navigate to source" in intelliJ, and have a quick glance on it. Most of the time, type ascription is enough, sometimes I skim through doc, and occasionally, if it's sketchy library, I look at implementation. This is very quick process that takes maybe 10-15seconds. Sometimes when Im not under pressure, while I'm at sources, I check also some similiar APIs, and implementation, to see and learn 'hows' and 'whys'. Using this I quickly gain pretty solid knowledge of libraries I use.

If I'm really stuck, I opened 3d party github, and scan issues, to see if there's something similiar. Lots of times there is issue or something, but I'll admit, lots of time there isn't. This is when I start googling, which sometimes take me to Stackoverflow. If not, I use gitter to ask authors. But this happen very rarely. Mostly all I need to do is dictated by library types I use. Occasionally, with shitty libraries that bring external configuration I have to check their docs on github.

But I think it may be language related. Or experience perhaps. I had to do a bit of javascript with node.js (2 weeks +-), and I visited SO very very very often.

Normally whenever I'm learning new language or framework, navigating to sources is my fasttrack to both language and framework/lib. There isn't a better way to learn what's right way to do stuff than to see authors of battle tested libraries solving difficult problems, and learning from their style. I can recommend that :)

I'll admit your mileage may vary, and this may be specific to my job, but I'm pretty happy with this workflow, and I don't have anything against people using SO or something.

Edit: I had forgotten important part - occasionally I spin REPL and try what library really does there. But that's also one of last resorts, when I'm stuck :) In Scala we have http://www.lihaoyi.com/Ammonite/ which makes it super easy to fetch and use external dependencies etc... so I guess tooling is also important part.

Same here it's a odd to see someone who doesn't use it, they must have A. sufficient time to read books on the language B. have it remembered C. possibly work with a language that doesn't evolve much.

Now that I think about it why isn't there canonical questions/answers from most voted SO questions? Sure top ranked questions and answers usually are very well explained, but I think there could be more done in the way of removing friction by rewriting them so they adhere to some sort of convention/standard and then maybe turn them into structured types like jigsaw puzzle pieces and you'd only need those to program anything.

I agree. I really don't like SO becuase of those reasons.

I would prefer a generic Developer/Sys Admin wiki. I'd host one myself, but I don't think I can afford that kind of bandwidth/storage at the moment.

It's easy, you use a language so long that you instinctually know what path to go down to find how to fix it. Either that or you take time to understand what's happening in every part of the system, and you pair that with notes, a very good memory, or both. And that gives you a basis to know where to look for errors.

I took the former approach, for five or six years now (probably longer), I've been programming with lua. At some point I hit a stage where I don't have to google errors, since they're either logic errors or syntactic errors. Syntactic errors are easy to track down, since either errors are spat out, or the behavior changes in a predictable way. Hitting this stage in lua has helped me to hit it easily in other languages now as well. In my work I use Erlang, and the only thing that consistently stumps me is the architecture of the things that I deal with (Erlang happens to have fantastic warnings though, and everything else can be dealt with via tests)

Oh yes, when there is nothing to look up, I guess you won't look something up.

But those would not effect the results. Presumably a good C# programmer uses less documentation just as much as a good Haskell programmer.

Warning: anecdotes and small sample sizes ahead.

True, but most people I've bumped into who write C# do it professionally, and have built up a body of knowledge. By contrast, most people I know (including me) who have messed around with Haskell, have...messed around with Haskell.

I could be way off here, but I'd guess that there is a smaller percentage of mature Haskell programmers within the Haskell community than mature C# programmers in the C# community.

I accept your view on haskell and C# distinction. I have the same view.

But that doesn't mean C# users would look things up on SO more from 9-5 than they would after 5.

We are talking about the same people.

(The study, I assume, shows that people use C# for work and Haskell for a hobby.)

> 1. What your programming set up is.

Interesting choice of question. When I do have tooling problems, I find that SO is often the first Google search result and I do use it in those cases. However, I don't find that tooling make up a frequent set of problems that need to be dealt with. Thus, while I can't say I've never used SO, it is a rare stop.

More frequently, the problems I run into, and am more curious to see how others have approached them, tend to be tooling agnostic. If you're using C++, Haskell, or Javascript, vi, Notepad, or Visual Studio, the problem remains the same. Computational problems, not tooling problems, if you will. I find (which may just be my failure to find them) in these cases, SO more often than not has nothing of relevance.

> 2. What you do when there is an issue?

Still Google, but the results are more often personal websites and academic papers.

I use it rarely for questions, although I'm a big contributor to electronics.SO. 27k rep, #12 contributor this year. Much smaller community with even more brutal moderation.

Mostly I do Windows/MFC/C++ or embedded stuff these days, for which MSDN is sometimes more useful than SO (although unacceptably slow page load times!). Occasionally there is something with a search resistant name or where the usage examples don't help for which I need to go to SO.

For Windows CE, there is almost no user community. If the docs don't help and the (extremely fragmented) source doesn't help there's no option other than to give up or break out the debugger and reverse-engineer things. I found a bug in Microsoft's "structured exception handling" this way.

It's a lot more useful for C#, which I'm less experienced with.

I use SO somewhat frequently when learning a new language and gaining an understanding of the idioms. However, lately I've been using languages and libraries that I know well so I haven't run into many things that stump me to the point of turning to Google.

The problems I have are often related to how to use a certain library or a certain function in a programming language I don't know that well, in which case I often try to search for similar code on github to see examples, or look at the library code.

For stuff like "are there optional parameters in .len()?", I always keep a tab or two on both the documentation of the language and the library I'm using at the moment. I really like how some languages come with specific tools for documentation (ri in Ruby, the `doc` function in Clojure) and I try to use them as much as I can when available.

I don't really use SO that much. I mean, sure, I google for stuff and find answers on SO, but this isn't thaaaat common. Actually asking questions is very, very rare.

For #2, this is the most common google->SO for me, but typically this happens only when something very unexpected happens, which isn't that common. Typically, my problems are around what library/functions I need and that is usually solved through online reference material.

I write a lot of D code. SO isn't particularly helpful, because most activity takes place on the language's mailing list, which existed long before SO.

I'll go!

Day job is C#, and C++ mostly, with a good bit of Java, bash, perl tossed in. Personally, I find MSDN sufficient for most of my questions re: C#. For the rest, mostly blog posts, TBH.

Side projects I use Python. Again blog posts and docs are all I need.

I wouldn't say I never use SO, but I can't remember the last time I posted a question and I rarely use it as a resource for looking up information.

In my case the language's official reference is enough i.e. I know what I'm looking for just need to remember what it looked like. I end in SO sometimes when looking for some discussion on general concepts i.e. advantages of X over Y, but even then it's not always very helpful.

I've harped on too eagerly turning to SO elsewhere in this thread, but I have to agree with this:

> I end in SO sometimes when looking for some discussion on general concepts i.e. advantages of X over Y, but even then it's not always very helpful.

SO can be useful when what I'm curious about is more theoretical and/or subjective in nature, and thus can't be readily attained from regular reference material.

Here's an example where someone (quite helpfully) points out the connection between monoids and monads: http://stackoverflow.com/a/3870310

I knew the definition of monoid and monad, but what I lacked was enough intuition to (readily) see the connection on my own. It's much more convenient to borrow someone else's insight, rather than sit indefinitely meditating on the nature of a given problem. In those cases a resource like SO (or any other forum, for that matter) can be quite useful -- even if you've read up as much as you can.

I don't use it all that much at the moment. I've mainly replaced it with various language references that are my first port of call.

I still use StackOverflow every now and then, but SO doesn't really help you much with kernel programming.

There are some languages, like C++, where the first place to go seeking answers isn't SO.

C++ devs tend to look at http://en.cppreference.com (using an English locale in this example).

To me, it tends to bias the sample towards the subset of developer population using SO, which would not be a representative sample size for a true population sampling in a statistical problem - it would be oversampled in one group to the exclusion of all other groups.

Despite the name, cppreference is the best online (there's always `man 3`, of course) resource I've found for C, too. MSDN is good for C++ as well (usually the second place I check). And the GCC and Clang documentation is generally pretty comprehensive about compiler-specific stuff.

The C and C++ sections of StackOverflow are good for finding language lawyers who can give you an exact answer, with citations, to "is this snippet well-defined?" type questions (the TL;DR is usually "if you have to ask, then it isn't"). But they'll scold you for tagging those sorts of questions with both C and C++, even though it's perfectly reasonable to do.•

• If you're asking about C, it's helpful to know whether your program will still have the same behavior when compiled as C++; if you're asking about C++ but your snippet doesn't have anything C++-specific, it's helpful to future viewers if the answers for both languages are in the same place, since more often than not they're the same (which also means it's helpful to make it clear when they aren't).

Well, what kind of things do you look up?

I have found a lot less need to look up things like "are there optional parameters in .len()?" because the IDE helps with that.

I need to look up strange errors that I don't understand. (Like when you install a new library and your code breaks). Those are almost never in the official documentation because they didn't plan for it.

I was speaking partially from my experience and, as another poster put it, IDEs help considerably in areas of syntax usage.

Besides, with more stable languages (C++ has a 3 yr standardization cadence and new features are not covered well on SO) you can find in-depth answers on SO. Otherwise, many mailing lists (yes, they still exist) are a better source of more current and more detailed treatment of the topic than, "hey, how do I do X so that I can move on to my next thing at work."

Don't get me wrong, I love SO, but I feel it's more about, "how do I solve this problem now?" vs "I want to learn more about this topic." It's real value is in the comments that others contribute "around" the accepted answers.

I pretty much never go to SO first to seek answers... but I google for answers and find a SO post that's useful once or twice a week.

Yup, cppreference is a great resource, and fast to find answers in (I've found).

And also, languages with good documentation will be referred to less on SO.

Indeed. Likewise, software with good commercial support, software that is older and more stable/having less churn...

There's a lot of SO content regarding working around JS/DOM incompatibilities between browsers. Without those incompatibilities through the years, SO might (incorrectly) think that JS usage is lower than it is.

There are also other forums. I prefer Rust’s own user forum over StackOverflow, because the latter is polluted with stale pre-1.0 answers.


> your perfectly parroted talking-point is controlled for.


Did I take the jam out of your donut or something?

Plus someone who is doing dev work at night is more likely to be working alone and they won't have an office full of coworkers to ask before they Google. That's bound to skew the results a little.

Unless there are some secret Sharepoint Nightclubs or Subversive Subversion Speakeasies I have yet to find, that would affect all languages, and couldn't explain these day/night patterns.

I was thinking that some languages like C++ take a lot longer between "tests" (e.g. compile times) and are thus more prone to be worked on at odd times.

I always feel guilty asking questions from coworkers when the answer literally takes me a fraction of the time if I Googled it and opened the first SO link.

IMO, if it's something that I'm asking a coworker about, SO isn't going to have an easy (or correct) answer.

For example, I am attempting to use a namespaced library installed with Pip in my Lambda function. It doesn't work - can't import the library. Google gives a bunch of noise. SO gives a bunch of noise.

The solution? Asked a coworker, got an answer back immediately. Import the 'site' package, and set up the current working directory as a site directory. This makes the library .pth files work properly.

No reason to feel guilty. Questions are good, and it keeps communications within the team going. Silence is worse.

As I said in a cousin comment, it also helps your office/team discover what knowledge is lacking. I used git there, but linux (unix in general) is another example in my office. So many of my colleagues have only done Windows-based applications, or embedded (running a one-off RTOS or an off-the-shelf RTOS). We've been moving workload to embedded linux (for reasons), along with moving some development work to linux (because of tooling available there). If everyone googled it, they may get their answers. But no one would realize that it was a systemic issue because there's no communication.

I'd hate to be your coworker. You ought to Google your issues before interrupting someone else's flow.

If I wasn't willing to answer my coworkers questions, I'd consider myself a bad colleague. It would be annoying if people came up to my desk constantly, but they usually send out an email or IM [EDIT] or catch me away from the desk, like in the break room. It's less distracting from a flow perspective (potentially not distracting if those notifications aren't immediately visible). Related, without getting these questions from colleagues I can't know, no one can know, what institutional knowledge we're lacking. I was surprised (sort of) by how deficient my coworkers were with git, until I realized I was one of 3 folks here who do any hobby programming and so had used git on my own time before we adopted it internally on some projects. I'm glad I know that they don't know, because we were able to put together a training course of sorts to bring them up to speed. This has helped with new hires as well. This makes us, as an office, much more effective than if we'd left it to individuals to google for answers (though it may be quicker in the short term, it doesn't help in the long term because they still don't understand the problems they face and the systems they use).

Being willing to answer questions is not the same as being quick to ask them of people that might otherwise be engaged. The first shows patience and respect that the other person is not wasting your time. The latter shows impatience and disrespect for other people's time.

Coworkers and friends are a resource to be cherished, not abused.

That depends on the problem. I wouldn't want 5 different developers to write 5 different solutions to the same problem only to have 4 of them rejected in a code review because they should have used the first dev's solution, so if someone has an problem they need to solve with code it's far better to talk about it first. Obviously this only really applies if you work on moderately complicated projects in medium-sized to large teams though. If you work on smaller projects you can know the whole codebase so it doesn't really apply.

More generally, I'd hate to work in an office where I have to be wary of interrupting the people. That sort of environment is toxic to working in a team. I encourage developers who want to work in a quiet place without being bothered to go somewhere outside of the main office.

Seems to me like a perfectly reasonable correlation. During the day people might stumble on a problem that they aren't sure how to handle. They search that problem in google and end up in SO.

You might not be an average SO user?

It's more of a problem for the "morning people" hypothesis. There's an alternative hypothesis that people work on something, get stuck, think about it overnight and are more likely to decide to ask a question in the morning.

Self-selection by, for example, inexperienced users is probably a valid criticism of using SO data for inferring a ranking of languages–although my impression is that they are at a scale where this is less and less relevant.

In this case, the point the article is trying to make is actually something different: "What languages do people use for fun", and I'm having a really hard time coming up with any plausible alternative explanations for their data.

An alternative interpretation is that C# devs are willing to ask for help at any time, while Haskell devs can only summon the humility to ask for help after they've been suffering all day.


This is cool but every time I see something like this I think that this kind of data could be seriously skewed by individual language communities. For example, in the Elixir community we have our own forum, IRC, and Slack channel. Because of this, I almost never visit SO for my Elixir needs. However, I do when I am working with JavaScript, C, Java, etc. I know other languages like C++ have similar communities which take care of much of the questions which would otherwise be posted on SO. Does anyone else feel that their language is misrepresented by data such as this?

(Not trying to knock SO here, this is a very cool analysis, but I do feel that some of these problems are relevant.)

Same for Unity3D, which is one of the tags they have in their post but it doesn't look very popular there. Unity3D has their own separate SO-like site called Unity Answers, plus a large forum, plus a (somewhat out-of-date) community wiki. So lots of people won't be hitting SO for help

Still, most of this particular blog post is about relatives between hours of the day per language, rather than comparisons between languages, so it won't be too affected.

And the skill of the userbase.

Haskell naturally attracts a more skilled developer who is more likely to dig into documentation/blog posts rather than running for help on SO.

I used SO all the time when I was a newbie. But I only use it now for obscure issues, usually as a last resort.

From an outside (Elixir slack,irc) perspective sometimes I think these communities on Slack or IRC are "hiding" things from a beginner or at least making the search for an answer harder: because they are not indexed and when one searches for an answer one does not receive a link to a Slack conversation about that topic.

Personal example: I started to learn Elixir, but I don't know where are these communities. So I rely on SO or other open sources/articles on the web.

What language people learn out of own motivation, vs what languages people do for pay.

I'd say based on this graph it, and knowing Haskell myself, that choosing Haskell is still a viable way to attract talent. (that Haskell-spike in the animated chart half through the article is... opportunity I guess)

Just be aware that the animation makes it look like everyone is using Haskell in the evening. That's false and caused by normalization. Other languages are still more used.

That's right: Haskell is disproportionately used in the evenings, but it's not highly used at any time. You can see in the 4th graph that of the 250 languages considered, Haskell is one of the lowest traffic.

This is assuming that SO is a popular destination for Haskell questions.

Github would be the better indicator. Especially if Github could include anonymous stats for private repos too. That would give a good indication about the commercial viability of the various languages.

I'm one of those people who uses Haskell a lot at night time and I rarely use SO for it. I often find answers in documentation, blog posts, IRC, and books. Whereas during my day job I tend to run into a lot of obscure framework errors when I work with Ruby on Rails or the various weird quirks in Javascript where SO is indispensable. I have different kinds of queries with Haskell rather than copy/pasting error msgs, likewise when I use Erlang/Elixir.

Another example is Reddit:

    /r/python 122.1k users
    /r/javascript 82.4k users
    /r/java/ 51.4k users
    /r/php 40.8k users
    /r/cpp 35.7k users
    /r/ruby 31.1k users
    /r/csharp 28.2k users
    /r/haskell 22.8k users
    /r/golang 20.7k users
    /r/c_programming 19.6k users
    /r/swift 17.1k users
    /r/rust 16.1k users
    /r/sql 13.6k users
    /r/scala 10.4k users
    /r/lisp 10.3k users
    /r/clojure 10.0k users
Haskell is not far behind Ruby, C#, or CPP on Reddit. Yet the difference in the SO chart is dramatic.

But no doubt it's not as popular professionally as other languages, sadly, but it's not quite as fringe as this particular data source indicates.

A good portion of Haskell users are probably students working against a morning or midnight deadline.

I generally switch from C# to Drunk Python.

I'm there too, except Drunk Swift. I tried Drunk React/Redux a few times but almost died.

I do a fair bit of drunk C. Something beautiful about a pointer to pointer after a couple of gin and tonics.

Being drunk also really helps in dampening the excruciating pain from shooting yourself in the foot.

Clearly you're not drunk enough...


I wrote a blog post awhile back comparing the differences between day and night commit messages :-D. http://randomlyunique.com/data/2016/late-night-coding/ (it's a fun looking wordcloud)

Interesting to see that C is used a lot in the evening. Maybe that's because C is used in many Open Source projects, and many people contribute to OS in their spare time?

I really do not understand how anyone could judge up which languages are being used at X time during the day or night based on stackoverflow.

I rarely use stackoverflow (like once a few months), how do we factor in the data which we don't have in it? What's the accuracy of the current data? And how can we foem conclusion?

The post should say, "What tags are used to ask questions on stackoverflow at night?" Because, as powerful as they are, SO can't quantitatively decide which languages are used at what time, they don't have the data!! I learned an entire language without ever looking at a SO qn, it was Go language.

The point is that it's interesting to infer trends. This is not the supposed to be the authoritative source for what people are doing during day and night. It's just interesting and you can glean some patterns for sure. Stack overflow is hugely popular and millions of developers use it.

Some people I guess are just so bright that they don't need it. That is not most people.

Their title makes it sound autoritative!

> I really do not understand how anyone...

Someone contributing to an official Stack Overflow blog seems like a likely candidate!

Sure, the conclusions are the result of a fishing expedition into the usage data for something to comment on, rather than something scientific that began with a question or tests a hypothesis.

However, while the total number of questions isn't so meaningful, that is the denominator used to normalize the data across languages. Think of it as `n`, where the confidence interval for Java is probably smaller than the one for Sharepoint.

I think it is best to think of this as exploratory analysis rather than a study exploring a specific question. It would be interesting to see further analysis into what puts Paris and London on one end and Moscow and Tokyo on another.

Let's say that Stack Overflow makes programmers more productive, but some cultures might have a tendency to think that it is "cheating" to use the site while at work. Addressing that would be an easy way to increase market penetration. Maybe they should get some submarine articles published in Japanese and Filipino trade publications.

In most companies I worked for in Moscow they either don't have strict schedule or tend to shift work hours later in the day (usually 10am-19pm). I think the reason is that it's very uncomfortable to use public transportation during rush hours. Here is what I dealt with if I left home at 8am when I lived there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjkYStk6vjo

I find myself using stackoverflow more while using certain languages, and almost never when using others. IMO, a C/C++ developer or a backend developer is less likely to use stack overflow as compared to a python/javascript/php or frontend developer.

Is this done in EST/EDT? Does it account for developers in India, US, Europe, etc simultaneously or does it convert the time stamps to say, UTC?

The time charts are labeled "local time", so I'd assume they're using ip geolocation or profile info to normalize everyone's times.

You should read the article :)

They used IP geolocation to determine the users local time.

Haskell wins as the most nocturnal, but I suspect it's because a good portion of its users are students.

It's funny that the runner up is on the opposite side of the abstraction spectrum: assembly. Students, longbeard contractors, and hax0rs must be the nocturnal contingent there.

Meanwhile, COBOL programmers are stuck in bank basements with no internet access.

Anyone knows what they used to render the plots?

I used ggplot2 and gganimate in R. The custom ggplot2 theme is called theme_roboto(): https://github.com/juliasilge/silgelib/blob/master/R/graphin...

Almost certainly ggplot2 in R.

Also, the author says in the comments that he used ggplot2 for the static plots and gganimate for the animations.

The color palettes in charts with 2, 3, 4 colors are the ggplot2 defaults, and the author David Robinson has written packages that fit into the "tidyverse" of which ggplot2 is a part, so that seems quite likely.

What I'd really like is the correlation between different kinds of tools, languages etc. and forced overtime...

Is it just me or does this not actually tell you which programming language tags get the most traffic at night?

I find it interesting how during the daytime hours, most languages are in the Microsoft camp...

Because most people are forced to use Microsoft technologies at work. But in their own time they would rather use other technologies.

Ironically, if this was a question on stackoverflow it would be deleted.

What this data definitively effectively demonstrates is that only about 1/5 of developers/engineers are taking a lunch. Way to go! Keep up the hard work guys!

Excel in the streets, Haskell in the sheets

In this context I would love to see more programming languages available for tablets, because tablets are good for learning.

> C# programmers start and stop their day earlier

Maybe because they're often in finance?

Why wasn't Java compared?

I can't answer why but if you want to see the Java stats, they shared this tool : https://dgrtwo.shinyapps.io/tag-traffic-hour/

Oh nice. Well, C# still starts earlier than Java. Interesting. I thought they'd line up more.

Completely ignores VPNs? Everyone in China uses a VPN. Maybe China has more C programmers.

Yet another graph pointing toward the conclusion of "Tuesdays are the worst."

It would be interesting to merge this data with GitHub commits.

They've given the answer to 'Which programming languages are used late at night by people coming to StackOverflow for help.' Interesting I guess, but flawed from the start.


We've banned this account for trolling. Would you please stop creating accounts to break HN's guidelines with?

Third chart on https://stackoverflow.blog/2017/01/19/women-in-the-2016-stac..., but it's not too interesting.

The differences are very small, and I am not too surprised with the relative popularity of Matlab and R compared to say Haskell, since there are relatively more women majoring in engineering that computer science, as well as relatively high numbers doing quantitative work in the social sciences. I wonder why Rust, though, is such a huge outlier. Maybe it is just noisy because there are so few people asking about Rust at all on Stack Overflow.

From the link, the women surveyed skewed towards being more junior/less experienced. And Rust is not exactly a language that skews towards junior developers, due to its high learning curve. I bet Rust would be less of an outlier if one controlled for level of experience.

Luckily, there is (still?) enough privacy on the net that you can't generally determine such private pieces of information unless the user provides it themselves.

are you anticipating that female engineers use different languages than male engineers?


why is that? and what sort of differences in choice do you anticipate?

For some reason, in my local tech community, the female/male ratio is higher among Android devs than iOS devs.

I don't know why that is, but it's something that I noticed. I'd be curious if that is a general trend or just a coincidence.

What do you mean by "actual gender"?

Gender at birth


Given the very low incidence of transsexualism in the general population and the fact that we're talking about mental work, using people's self-reported gender will either not hurt, or might even help.

Additionally, since gender refers to behaviour and societal roles, I don't think "gender at birth" makes sense, given that all babies act pretty much the same for the first few months. You would be better to phrase your question as "gene-determined sex", which is for now unchangeable.

> given that all babies act pretty much the same for the first few months.

that's not actually true - http://www.city.ac.uk/news/2016/july/infants-prefer-toys-typ...

there's a lot of evidence to suggest that choice of toy is at least partially influenced by sex.

There is a low incidence of transsexualism in the general population, but we are talking about the tech scene. And particularly among programmers, it seems to me that a lot of female programmers have a Y chromosome. Considering that there aren't that many female programmers to begin with, I wouldn't be too sure that effect is negligible.

> it seems to me that a lot of female programmers have a Y chromosome.

I do not believe you

Well, it's just my personal impression. I'm not saying it's a majority, but there are a lot of trans people in the tech community. So if you want to make statistics, I think you should take that into account, and not pretend that they don't matter.

TL;DR: Only students use Haskell

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