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1. Most of the people just want to set their allocation and no think about it more than a few times a year.

2. Without Vanguard(and other index funds), you do not quality for admiral shares.

3. Vanguard's fees are among the lowest(last time i checked it was between 0.1-0.5%). There is no charge for buying and selling Vanguard funds.

4. Vanguard is non-profit.

~I am no way affiliated with Vanguard.

Admiral shares are a function of the Vanguard mutual funds themselves; if you're buying the underlying companies directly, "admiral shares" don't matter, since you're not paying management expenses at all.

Vanguard isn't a non profit, which is an organization that in contrast to a for-profit company, has no obligation or goal to increase share holder's value.

Vanguard is a company like any other for-profit, with the distinction that Vanguard's own shares are being held by the funds it manages, so increasing fees, e.g., would probably decrease share holder's value.

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