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The answer is not nothing.

They have different characteristics: Propagation, attenuation, power consumption, penetration through walls/building, crosstalk, bandwidth...

Short version: do you want to have a 10 inches antenna on your phone, or your TV?

> They have different characteristics: Propagation, attenuation, power consumption, penetration through walls/building, crosstalk, bandwidth...

I mean... I'm not stupid. I realize that.

But do these differences rise to the level of constitutional distinction for the purposes of protections under the 1st amendment (and its philosophical underpinnings)? I assert that the answer is unequivocally "no."

It may be that these sorts of regulations made sense for the past 100 years, but I don't think that they do for the next.

I don't know what regulations you have in mind but the frequency spectrum absolutely needs to be managed.

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