Cool stuff! I also wrote a maze generator awhile back[1] that was coupled with the A* algorithm, but it doesn't make those cool circular mazes or anything. C++11 is also a big plus, loving the modern C++ style.
I love the fact that you can do so many shapes and maze styles. Very impressive.
There's a really nice responsive HTML5-JS random-maze generator, from Gosh Darn Games that's navigable with arrows. Nowhere near as advanced, but my kids love it:
This is very cool. Believe it or not, when I was 19 I knew a female friend who could draw perfect, solveable mazes, pretty much like intuitively, and she would also know how many exits there were.
I always thought that was so amazing and cool. But she was somewhat blasé about it.
Is it possible to output to a data structure format (JSON or whatever)? It'd be fun to read these mazes and generate dungeons for a game, especially the circular ones :P
A Python program that generates animated GIFs of some maze construction algorithms, e.g.
The javascript version ( has a few more algorithms IIRC but I never got around to fixing it up.