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Google Drive: drive around Google Maps (phatfusion.net)
25 points by hhm on March 19, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Next up: Grand Theft Google, where you can steal the cars from Google Street View and drive them around.

Seriously, though, they should turn this into a game, kind of like road rally: you have to get from X to Y, touching waypoints P and Q, in the shortest time possible. Allow users to submit courses for other users to drive, and keep a high score list and some movies of the fastest drivers that you can play back on demand. Everyone will compete to have their best runs appear on the high score list!

They'll have to do something about the car's handling, though. It corners like a tanker truck.

Clever, and a lot of fun to play around with for a few minutes.

It would be really impressive if they can analyze where overpasses are and include that in the system. Right now you are able to drive off the side of an overpass onto the lower road. Google Maps certainly factors those kinds of things into its paths, so maybe these guys can find a way to integrate Google's data somehow.

I can't see any use for this, but it is pretty cool. Maybe next the car could bounce off of the side of the roads rather than getting stuck.

My only complaint - the turning radius on the car is not tight enough to make it through the roundabouts at full speed. You can also drive through malls

The car even goes faster when you get it on a motorway - nice attention to detail.

I hope I'm not the only one who tried to work out the top speed.

I make it about 300mph.

Definitely cool. Anyone estimate how fast the car is going?

It looks like at least 90mph driving on the highway...

If only you could drive at that speed through London.

Man, if you could do this with street view...Epic.


It would be sweet to have the satellite view ...

Completely useless, but cool.

if you need to save some time it lets you drive through the park.. McClane ;)

And on train tracks, too.

Makes speeding down the Henry Hudson much faster.

who wants to race? :D

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