Spoke with him in the early days of his company about an order. Very chill guy and Pragmatic Programmer has had as much effect on me as I work day by day as any book.
I look at the book as a benchmark on how far along you are in the programming journey. I'm fond of saying young coders will agree with 50% of the book and reject the rest. But the more experience they get the more they agree with it.
I've re-read it a few times and still disagree with 2% of it so I guess that is good as it means I still have room to grow;<).
I look at the book as a benchmark on how far along you are in the programming journey. I'm fond of saying young coders will agree with 50% of the book and reject the rest. But the more experience they get the more they agree with it.
I've re-read it a few times and still disagree with 2% of it so I guess that is good as it means I still have room to grow;<).