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what happen if he falls?

Hospital with a couple of broken bones if he's lucky.

That's the thing about tall bikes: The only rule is don't fall. Fortunately they're inherently very stable, but if the bottom of the bicycle gets knocked from beneath you by a car or something, it's bad news.

Hopefully he lands on his feet.

At 10 meters you're likely to break something even if you land on your feet.

If you know how to fall it isn't impossible to avoid injury from 10m. You're right at the limit of where you need to be really fit and avoid doing it too many times though. There is the added complication of needing to fall away from the bike as well, landing on it would be very bad news.

That's really rolling the dice. 10m is (more than) enough for a fatality, if you get away without injury you're just lucky, especially trying to dis-entangle yourself from a falling bicycle.

As the bike starts to topple, I wonder if you could climb down it quickly enough to avoid jumping.

Kinda like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvOKyFmiUFA

That ladder is supported on both ends. Just to reach over while it is falling requires you to shift to the side it is falling away from accelerating the fall even further.

It would be like being astride that ladder rather than clinging to the side of it and then going over the top and then sliding down on the side furthest from the ground.

Not something I'd like to try.

My reference would be the 10m diving platform at my local pool. Looking down, it was terrifying enough jumping into water from there.

Naively, v = sqrt(2gh), so you'd be hitting the concrete at ~50kph (30mph). Though, perhaps you could somehow use the bike to lessen your fall.

> Though, perhaps you could somehow use the bike to lessen your fall.

Or you might get it to give you a nice little kick after you've already landed yourself.

At least that limits the damage to the bike ;)

> 50kph

That's a lot of speed for, basically, running straight into a brick wall.

Better to break your legs than your skull.

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