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> or even wear anti-abortion shirts or stuff like that then yeah, I might ask you to tone it down.

If someone wore a t-shirt in support of the LGBTQ+ life style, would you ask them to "tone it down"?

One is about telling other people how they should behave and possibly making them uncomfortable it they have had an abortion, the other is acknowledging the existence of people and their freedom to be who they are.

This is a pretty fundamental difference isn't it? No one is out wearing t-shirts telling other people that they should be queer are they?

And I'm assuming your use of the phrase "the LGBTQ+ life style" was a slip not an intentional denial of the many different lifestyles LGBTQ people have and that being L, G, B, T or Q is for most not a lifestyle but fundamental component of their person.

Maybe? What would it look like?

In general I find that it's harder to be offensive when you position yourself for something rather than against something. On paper an anti-religious shirt sounds more offensive than a pro-LGBTQ+ one, for instance. Both sound hardly appropriate for work though.

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