Hello, I'm the person in this piece. Just to be clear, tap water is not safe- it contains many micro-organisms including acanthamoeba which can infect the eye via contact lenses. It is wrong to suggest tap water or saliva are safe. Contact lens solutions are not 100% effective at disinfecting lenses. These risks are real, and it's important to be aware of them so you can wear lenses safely. There's good, clear information here https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14691169
Hmm.. I've never been able to handle the "all-in-one" solutions (sensitive eyes) and use separate disinfectant and saline. I guess it wouldn't surprise me if the all-in-ones have to compromise somewhat for the sake of comfort (the regular disinfectants are definitely not ok to put in your eye).
Hmm, Contact lens wearer for 30 years now. For 28 of those years I was a RGP lens wearer. They provided much sharper vision for sports, were very cost effective (initial investment was high but lasted 3-5 years with proper care), and daily maintenance was pretty easy.
RGP lenses require a separate cleaner for 30 seconds then a solution for inserting/soaking (eventually they did come out for an all-in-one solution but I never got the same comfort from it). Since day one I was taught by my teenage eye doctor to used tap water as the rinse of the cleaning solution and did for all that time. If you didn't get the cleaning solution off real well, you'd feel it in your eye for a minute. The instructions say to use soaking solution as the "rinse" but I never did as it would be much more expensive and water always worked.
Maybe the type of lens is more susceptible to AK/Infections? RGP is a rigid almost hard type of lens. I've never had any sort of problem using tap water all this time. I've even slept in them a few times in my life. It would seem softer lenses would allow things to adhere more? I wonder if there are any correlations to the type of lens to infection?
I went to dailies two years ago mostly for comfort and convenience. I don't wearcontacts as much as I used to as i've gotten older (just throw on my glasses now because who cares now..) and RGP can get uncomfortable if not wearing them often enough. It appears dailies can give one a false sense as you get "fresh" ones every day. I've swam/showered with them at times and now worry after reading she got the AK even using dailies.
I am bewildered actually because you'd think dailies would be the best possible lens for your eye health. Soft, highly breathable and new pair every use.