I really appreciate the recommendation for Flux. My sleep schedule has been bouncing all over the place since quitting my job, and the last three days have been unbearably bad. (Awake until 6/7/8 AM.) I'd really like to sync myself such that I can be awake and productive by mid-morning.
Excellent. This is yet another reason that I love the news.yc community. I have had many similar experiences over the years, but haven't ran into anyone else that also understands and appreciates it in the same way. I think the usually MO is I'm some sort of party animal or lazy. But given high enough productivity employers don't care.
Specifically "viewing people's absurdly high energy levels in the morning, while you are already sleepy" has been frustrating. And as they are winding down and burned out come 4pm or later when I'm speeding up reaching my highest productivity.
Add to the list:
- Remember what happened at that party last night
- Volunteer to drive the "late" shift on trips
- Watch the server and provide customer support from midnight - 6pm
- Finish that feature when everyone else can barely function and things still need to get done
- Know every late night restaurant, coffee shop, bar and convenience store. And when they stop serving food, close and open.